

There are several things that have changed in my day-to-day life. For posterity reasons, and before I forget to write them down, here are a few.
  • For one thing, I hardly blog anymore. Turns out being six months pregnant = no motivation for anything. And that, in addition to not having the internet at home, means that updating twice a month is good enough these days.
  • It's amazing how much I think about the baby boy that's growing inside of me. I'm not sure I've made it even 5 minutes without thinking about him since we got the positive test result back.
  • I find myself scratching, and caressing (yes, caressing) my belly throughout the day. It comes absentmindedly a lot of the time.
  • I'm paying attention to kicks more, and sometimes nudge him to feel even more. I spent so much time thinking about how weird it would be having something grow inside of me that I never gave a second thought to how amazing it would feel.
  • Chris has finally felt him kick a few times and gets excited, talking to my belly and asking Jack to kick more. I love to watch it. :)
  • Someone asked me, for the first time, when I am due. It was kind of nice. I'm hoping that won't happen after I have him...
  • It seems that, when I can, I eat every 2-3 hours. And, if I'm not hungry when it seems I should be, I get food ready anyway. Because when that hunger strikes, I need it. FAST.
  • It seems that he kicks more when I need food. Or he needs food. If that's a sign of what's to come, I'm in for a real treat. Of course, I know that if he's anything like his dad, I'm kinda screwed. The guy who eats more than anyone I know... I'm amazed he's not 300 pounds.
  • I seem to be constantly reminding myself that I will have a baby in four months. Yikes. I'm also constantly reminding myself that... um... I'm not ready. Not physically, mentally or spiritually.
  • Although I don't think I'm emotionally ready for a child, I feel an emotional connection to this baby. I talk to him, stare at the movement that is happening inside my tummy, and on rare occasion, sing to him.
  • He is constantly on one side of my tummy or another. It's become normal to me to look down and see my stomach completely lopsided. He likes my right side the most, I think.
I love the changes that are happening - and though it seems like everything is happening really fast, it's really exciting. I wouldn't change it for the world.


Carly said...

Miss you, Heidi Ho. Is anyone throwing you a baby shower yet? If not, I WIN!

Heather said...

She knows we will be throwing her a shower- Her Family. We are just waiting till after the New Year.

And my sweet Heidi- these are all thoughts every mother has with every child- not just the first.
You will be amazed at just how ready you are to LOVE little Jack. And how amazed you are at how something so little can carry your heart with him everywhere he goes.

I am SO Thrilled for you- and love you- and baby Jack more than you could ever possibly know.

Dubb Days said...

Oh how thrilled I am for you to be finally feeling these emotions and experiencing the fun things of pregnancy. Overall beign pregnant isn't fun--but it is the things you pointed out that get you through the crappy days.
Can't even explain my excitement to see you and my sadness I will feel when you leave, knowing I won't see my little Jack until who knows when (thank goodness for web cams!!) or see his beautiful parents joy of having this little one in their life.
Okay enough sappiness. The wierd belly positions only get weirder and the question of when you are do will become more and more often.
love you!

Andrea said...

This is such an exciting time in your life! I'm so glad you're writing it down!

Jenny said...

The connection you have with Jack has only begun! What a lucky little boy to have such a wonderful and AWESOME mama!


Beth said...

Don't worry. YOUR READY! He is one lucky baby boy. Can't wait to see his face all over your blog.

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

The best part is it just gets better and better! Welcome to the sisterhood of moms, you'll never be the same!

Anonymous said...


Orton Gang said...

this post made me cry.. I am so excited for baby Jack! It is so fun to see my daughters to know how much I love them! I know you know I love you , however whin you have a child you really get what it means, and the tears are coming even as I am typing now! I'm all verklemp,(speling). give me a topic!