
Our Tree(s)

Tree numero uno.

It's cute and little (and smaller than me... which never happens). And, it's real. We looked for our fake one in storage, only to remember that we gave it away... but don't remember who to. So, why not try a real one?

It was fun (for Chris) setting it up and getting it situated.
We put the lights on, put the star on top. I left for Florida on monday. Chris couldn't come because he started a new job, so it was his job to take care of the tree.

On wednesday or thursday, he informed me that he thought he killed it. He apparently didn't realize that he had to water it every day... and the next time he thought about it, the base was completely dry. Oops.

When I got home, I filled up the base, but apparently the sap formed over the trunk of the tree, and it wasn't thirsty anymore. It was, in fact, dead.

Enter: tree numero dos:

I was visiting my sister and she was giving this beauty to the D.I. So, I took it off her hands. Forget the real tree. This was free, it's not quite as small, and we can't kill it.

Works for us!


Heather said...

Looks Good :0)...Love you!

Anonymous said...

Finally a current belly picture! YAY! You look so cute!

The Lee Adventure said...

you have the cutest little m & m belly! I love it. I hope everything is going well with your little man!

The Jensen's said...

Ha..ha.. Way funny! You are looking so cute Mommy!

Nicole said...

Oh that is a funny story. You are looking darling as always. Cute little belly. :)

Robyn Reynolds said...

Mine is fake becuase I am pretty sure I would kill a real one too or my cat would drink all the water and kill it.

Unknown said...

you're lookin cute-as-ever! Fake trees are so nice...I do have faith in chris's parenting skills inspite of the dead tree. :D