
A Few Things I've Learned...

It's hard to believe that at this time last year, our tiny one-year-old Jack was still supposed to growing inside of me... and, that we were still awaiting the day that he would be released from the hospital. We are so grateful for our little guy and the exciting (and somewhat scary) new things he achieves each day.

Some things have come to mind over the last few weeks; bits and pieces of things I've learned over the past year.

First, and most importantly: three words. Nap. Nap. Nap.

Your child will love you no matter what... it's ok to let them cry after expending all of your effort to make them stop.

Don't take any moment for granted. Don't let anything pass you by; it goes too quickly.

Enjoy cuddling while they can't get away from you. It won't be too long before they are too busy to slow down, even for a minute (or in Jack's case, two seconds).

Clipping tiny fingernails is hard to do. Even when they're asleep (which is the only time it can be done past a certain age without a fight).

Bulb syringes are a necessary evil.

Your new and only brand of perfume will be spit-up (as any other kind you put on will be overshadowed immediately).

Growth spurts aren't an enjoyable time for anyone.

(Try to) laugh at the naughty stuff, and take pictures when possible.

You will learn (and re-learn) songs... primary songs, silly kids' songs, etc. It's amazing how quickly you run out of the ones you remember!

Hand-me-downs are awesome.

I have loved being a mother, and I'm looking forward to the many years to come... even if (trying to) laugh at the naughty stuff is an every day occurence.

Notice that he is standing up in the cart (backwards), still buckled in. It's amazing how fast he is at it, even trying to stop him.

However, the result is usually what is pictured below.
Both legs forced into one leg hole, and a stuck baby...

crying his eyes out.
Thanks for making me a mom, Jack. You're my favorite little man (even in situations like these).


Heather said...

So sweet. Love. Love. LOVED this post! Took me back- I love remembering my motherhood adventures while watching you go through yours :)

Dubb Days said...

I love all the picture documentation. Especially the spit up. Brought me back to the Robby baby days! Good points on all accounts. You got your writing groove back :)

Unknown said...

Oh so cute! He's changed so much since Lake Powell. I can see so much of both of you in him. You guys are great parents!!!

Aunt Lorie said...

I cracked up over the picture of his legs sticking out of the shopping cart when he got stuck. What a hilarious picture!

Karson and Kami said...

What a cute post!! I loved reading this and looking at all the photos to go along with it. We are so excited to be parents and experience all of the highs and lows with our baby girl. Can't wait!

Ann and Bryndon said...

Thanks for writing that! It made me think about what's in store for us! Sounds like some good advice.