
Belly Shots...

This is me at 16 weeks (and looking rather happy, I might add).

This is me at 17 weeks (seriously not sticking out my gut). Amazing, isn't it, what a difference a week can make? I am now 19 weeks... and feel even more large, which is only a smidgeon of what I will feel, I am sure.
I always wanted to be one of those "cute" prego women who gain weight nowhere but their belly. To my dismay, that is definitely not the case with the girl pictured here. I want to say that it's quite amusing the way the rest of me (mostly below the waist) is growing as well... and while I know it's for a good reason, it doesn't quite make me feel better. While some women are lucky enough to wear the same pants they wore before pregnancy, I am forced to buy maternity clothes - which I will only be wearing for four and a half months. And force is, really, necessary. Especially for those of us who can't afford new clothes because we are trying to save every penny for the baby. And the maternity market knows that while we'd rather not buy clothes that will only last us six months (at the most), we have no choice. So, not only are we forced to pay way too much money for what we don't want, but some of us may not ever use them again. And if we do, who knows what will and won't be in style when our next kids decide to come. Sigh...

On the other hand, my sister in law just had her baby - and seeing the proud parents at the hospital and their new sweet little one was all I needed to get me even more excited for our little boy to grace us with his presence.

By the way, his name is Jack.


mead family said...

How cute! I am only 15 weeks along and I think I'm bigger than you! I guess that's because it's my 3rd! You are so very tiny for being half way there. I'm sorry about the maternity clothes...I'm dreading that day. I love the name Jack. Good luck with everything.

Dubb Days said...

Okay so now that I am crying thinking about you having a baby and me not being there, I think you are adorable! Oh and you will wear those clothes again whether they are in style or not--you aren't going to fork out more dough for just four months of looking classy!

Heidi said...

Oh for cute! you look cute and I see you all the time and you do not look like you have gained much other then your belly and I know who our own perception is of ourselves and you are very cute! Love you, Mumsy

Garrett and Rebecca said...

Hey carnie, this is Garrett Bentley, remember me. congrats on the baby that is great. I found your blog linked on carley's so I figured I would blog stalk you. My wife and I are expecting also. A girl due the end of Nov. It is fun.

Nicole said...

Oh Heidi you are adorable and you don't look like you have gained more than 2 pds. I am 23 weeks and I am twice as big as you. lol You are darling and maternity clothes are a bummer but I have used the same for now my 3rd baby and while they aren't so trendy and cute the $150 I spent with my first has been well used on down to the 3rd. Plus I love hand me downs and DI has cute ones sometimes too. Love ya! I am sooo excited for you. :)

Keersten said...

You are so cute and teeny! I totally understand the frustration though. Ugh. There are a whole lot of not fun aspects to this pregnancy thing. It is worth it though. (I may repeat that 5 or 6 more times tonight. Hehe. I am not blogging because all I want to do is complain. :D)

Robyn Reynolds said...

Heidi I feel your pain I was in all maternity clothes by like 4 months. I gained it below my waist too. It was really hard at the time but I was surprised how my body went back to normal. It really does. I think you look adorable pregnant.

Jenny said...

You look good Heidi...I love your little belly! The next time you are at my house, you can try on some of my maternity clothes (my sister in law gave them back to me). I have a dress I know you'll love!

PS- Jack is such a cute name. LOVE IT!

Calli Hayman said...

Im so excited for you guys! Congrats again! You'll be spectacular parents i just know it -true i have never met your hubby but Mike says he's probably a really cool dude if he practices MMA :o)

Jeanette said...

I can't wait to meet with Mr. Jack Bauer... I think you are a "cute" prego. No worries.

Heather said...

You are SO CUTE- and it is SO FUN to see my baby sister whom I held as a baby go through this process.
All the stuff before it can be stressful and annoying- but like you said the reward at the end is SO WORTH IT!
Can't WAIT to see baby Jack Jack!

Ali said...

Love the name! Love the cute belly shots. We're so so excited for you guys to meet him.

Andrea said...

Um, by the way, you look darling! You are tiny every where!!!! AND, I love the name Jack!

Karson and Kami said...

Well, I disagree - I think you are a WAY cute pregnant girl! Love the little bump and am excited to watch it grow! :)

Anonymous said...

Good news...boobs get bigger too. Which most of us don't mind. You look great. It's amazing to lay on my back in the morning and see my uterus sticking out. Totally amazing. By the way Conrad and I can't find a name yet...or can't agree...but the one and only that we are even remotely interested in is "Jackson." (The brother-in-law called dibs on it so we are waiting for the go-ahead if they are having a girl.) So next Snake we might have a Jack and a Jackson...too funny.


BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

I guess you sorta have a belly. Kinda. Can't wait to see the "really big belly"! You look so great. By the way, kid to kid sells used super cute and cheap maternity clothes. Who wants to spend all their money on clothes you wear for such a short time when you could shop for Jack? :)

Lisa said...

Oh your little belly is so cute! And John is totally jealous that you're naming your boy Jack. It's his favorite boy name.

Unknown said...

darn cute baby tummy!!

Laura said...

I am SOOOO excited for you guys!!! Your little belly is so dang cute, I just love it. I hope you enjoy being pregnant- minus the being totally tired and unmotivated part of course. And boys are the best- there is something with boys and their mommy's...and perfect that you can start doing a little shopping for the little one!

Laura said...

PS Make sure you invite me to one of your showers...I love shopping for boy stuff!

The Williamsons said...

What a difference 1 weeks makes! You sure make one cute pregnant lady!

The Lee Adventure said...

You have such an M & M belly!!! Its so cute. I remember those feelings. If you want your welcome to use some of my prego cloths. But I totally hated buying cloths only to wear them for a few months. So if you want your welcome so use whatever I've got. let me know.

The Jensen's said...

Oh your adorable! Keep the belly shots coming! I've got some maternity clothes you can borrow if you would like. I worked at Motherhood when I was preggo with Colton I have some cute stuff you are welcome to. Let me know and I will bring them up next time I am in Salt Lake. I love the name Jack too. Eric sis has a Jack I LOVE IT!

Meggie Stevens said...

Congratulations, I hadn't heard that you were Prego. The 1st one is always so exciting. You look great by the way, and I mean it you are going to be gorgeous by the end. You may not feel that way, but everyone else will see it.