I jumped up to a seven within the hour, still not feeling contractions. This baby was coming, and I wasn't leaving. Because I was only 34 weeks, I was given a steroid shot for the baby's lungs, hoping to make them more mature for when he was born. The shot, however, takes 24 hours to kick in, which we weren't sure I had. I was prepped for the worst, told what would probably happen when he was born. I wouldn't be able to hold him; he'd most likely be taken and put on oxygen right away. Again, I tried not to worry.
I was given the choice of an epidural, which I took. I may not have been feeling contractions, but I was positive I'd feel what would be coming out of me in a matter of hours. Turns out it slowed everything down - and left me at a seven for the next 22 hours or so (which is just what we needed).
Chris, waiting. And waiting. It's hard work.
My water still hadn't broken by 2:00 PM the next day, and Dr. Smith came in around 5:00 to break it himself and get me started. After he did, we waited some more.
Here we are, just before our world was about to change forever.
After about an hour of no progress after the water was broken, I was given pitocin to speed it up. I started pushing at 7:00, and at 7:40 PM, Jack Bauer Lewis arrived in the form of 4 pounds 8 ounces, and 16.5 inches long. He was beautiful.

Our new family... I was a bit overcome with emotion at this point.
I have to hand it to those mothers who do this without drugs, and to those who push for hours. 40 minutes was exhausting. Not to mention afterwards... which I will spare the details here. Let's just say I hope I forget it before we decide to have another one... either that, or Chris will have to do it. He laughed when I told him that. Pretty sure I wasn't kidding.

That night they brought him in so I could hold him before they took him to the nursery, where he would stay for the remainder of my hospital stay, and after I left.

Here are my feet... I believe they call it elephantitis? It didn't go away for a week.
Jack didn't need oxygen, but there were some other issues. His belly was enlarged, and he wasn't digesting his food like he should.
Sometimes he liked it in the nursery,
Other times, he didn't.
He was fed through a feeding tube, and had an I.V. for additional nutrition, but we knew Altaview could only do so much and there was a chance he would be transferred somewhere where he could be taken better care of.
Here he is being transported to Primary Children's Medical Center. We knew he would be getting the best care available, so we were ok with this.
They welcomed his arrival and were ready to help.
This is how he looked when we arrived at the Newborn Instensive Care Unit on Sunday night at Primary Children's. Poor little guy.

He smiles for us and we love it when he opens his eyes to say hello.

Proud daddy. It's so fun to watch.

We gave him a bath for the first time on Wednesday night. So fun.

We read books to him. This is Chris reading Oh The Places You'll Go (which he could only get through a couple pages before we both got choked up. I finished it later).
He has his dad's legs, I love it.
He is now working on taking a bottle and tolerating his feeds. He's progressing so well, we are incredibly blessed. As far as how long he'll stay, we're not sure. He's just little and needs to learn how to do it on his own.
Even with all of his cords, he makes it look good.
We can't wait to bring him home.
Oh my goodness my keyboard is soaked! I LOVE this post and I love this BOY! It has been crazy hasn't it, but he is so worth ALL of it isn't he!
Thanks for letting me be on part of this ride with you- I love you all so much!
Congratulations on your miracle baby!! Talk about emotions... I'm totally feeling joy, concern and admiration for your sweet family. The photo of Chris reading to him about did me in (adorable!)... I'm so glad he's stable and improving!! Baby Jack is absolutely beautiful. We love you guys.
Definite tear jerking post. So wonderful, so sweet. SO great that you wrote this all down. He is so precious and I can't wait to hold him, which I am sure will be after he has beefed up a bit more and can laugh at all of Robby's jokes and deal with Bree poking him!
Wish I was there to go through it all with you but I have been in spirit and you are in my thoughts. Bree and robby already love their cousin Jack so much!
Lots of loves to the little Lewis family!!
I don't even know where to begin as I wipe the tears from my eyes. I am so excited that little Jack made it here safe and sound. His ride so far might seem a little bumpy, but you will look back and remember what this little fighter tough guy went through to be part of your amazing family. He is so blessed to have you and Chris as parents. Hang in there and he will be home before you know it! From one NICU Mommy to another!
Wonderful account which you will treasure! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to meet Jack!!
He is so cute! I am so glad he is doing better and can't wait until you guys can take him home. What a blessing he is! :)
Wow Heidi, I can't believe all you guys have been through! (Those sweet sad feet and perfect boy with an NG tube!) Jack is beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys. We are praying for you and for him to come home soon!
Wow! My eyes are stinging. What a ride. I'm so glad things are going well for little Jack. Not only his HE a trooper, but you and Chris are too. Congratulations!
He is so dang adorable and I am so glad he is progressing! You are awesome and I want you to know that I have you in my prayers. Such an adventure. Parenthood is amazing and the biggest adventure ever! :)
I'm with everyone else...totally tearing up! I love this little man, and I haven't been able to meet him yet! I think you and Chris are amazing, and I want to come visit!
What a little cutie he is!! Hang in there sweetie, you are going to make it and soon this will all be behind you. I can't believe how absolutely adorable he is!! You guys did great. Love ya tons! Stay strong and SLEEP!! :)
he is SO cute!! Perfect title...seriously can't imagine! How amazing you were at a 7 without feeling ctx!! Way to go guys! He is just adorable!
I was doing ok until the picture of Chris reading to him. Prayers for all of you, you amazing little family!
Congratulations to all of you! I am so happy that everything is OK with Jack, and all he needs is to grow. He is a gorgeous little baby. I know you are thrilled with him. I hope it will not be long until you have him at home with you. Love, Karren
It was so nice to be able to read about your experience giving birth, and hear how Jack has been doing. I had seen some pictures on Facebook, but didn't really know what was going on. I'm so glad that he is ok, and that he continues to grow and progress. You and Chris are amazing people, and you're such an example to everyone. I'm sure this has been difficult, but rewarding. I can't wait to continue to watch his progress. I'm so happy for you both! Congratulations on the little guy! Love you!
what a surprise checking your blog today. He looks amazing, and beautiful. I'm so glad you and Jack are okay. He looks so strong i'm sure he will be coming home very soon. Congratulation on entering the most amazing journey of your life together.
I am so thankful that he just keeps doing better and better. I knew everything would go good though, I just felt that peace. I can't believe you are a mom and Chris a dad, like in comments above you guys will be the best parents. I love you and you'll be able to take him home before you know it.
He is beautiful! Congrats I'm so glad you get to take him home soon! Keep up with the pictures!
Oh My Goodness!!! I don't know how I missed this post!!! He is about the sweetest thing EVER!! Congrats to you and your little family and we wish you all the best.
We love you guys so much and keep us posted on little Jack's progress!
first off conrats he is about the cutest thing ever!!! so tine and perfect! second off.. what an adventure!! don't worry about the pics it's part of the story I was so swollen too LOL well know that you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!
Oh golly, I cried for sure just then. HEIDI! What a roller coaster. I know everyone is saying this, but HE.IS.CUTE. That face! I am so happy that you and baby Jack both doing well. I can't imagine what it would be like to not be able to take your sweet baby home with you. I am praying for you guys!
P.S. im mortified i never got back to Christy or you about your shower. How excited was I that I got invited??? DANG excited thats what, and then it turns out I can't go, and on top of that I don't let either one of you know. I'm a horrid person. (but I know that's the leastest(yep) of all least of your worries right now, I just had to get that off my chest)
Keep us posted!
Sister Orton, oops, Sister Lewis! He looks very strong and healthy despite his small size! Wonderful blessings come in small packages! He is going to be a handful when he learns to walk! He is not early, he just was tired of listening to you and daddy's voice and wanted to see what you guys looked like!
Congratulations on Baby Lewis!
Congratulations! what a sweet little boy! My heart goes out to you and all you've been through. I hope and pray that he will be home soon with you. You'll be great parents! (I'm sure you already are)
I don't know how I missed this post! You wrote it a week ago and I am just now seeing it. First of all, Jack is SO adorable! Second, I'm glad that you both are doing well. I can't believe he came that early. That is quite scary! Seeing these pictures of such a cute baby boy makes me even more impatient for my little guy to get here. I hope everything continues to go well and that Jack can be home with you guys soon. You are such cute parents. Congratulations!
He is such a beautiful little boy! He is looking good and you will be a happy, healthy family in no time!
Welcome to the bonds that tie a mother forever to the one she risks all for - gladly... we are so happy all is progressing well Heidi and Chris - congratulations and welcome home Jack!
Oh Heidi! I thought I was looking at my own little boy who also came at 34 weeks. Our little boy came at 4lb 12 oz and he did need oxygen and needed to stay in the NICU for 3 1/2 weeks. I know (at least to some degree) what you are going through. I am so happy that you were able to hold your little Jack right away...we didn't get to for several days, and it was heartbreaking.
I know this all much be terribly hard for you...it was for me too. Having to drive to the hospital several times a day just to see your little boy who you love so dearly...there will be some good days and some bad days. I hope everything goes well for Jack and that he comes home soon!! I'll be praying for you guys!
Wow, what a story. It was nice to have all the pieces of it put together. We only got bits and pieces of it here and there. Plus I loved the pictures that go with it. He does make the cords look good. He is one handsome boy!
Yay! Congrats! Yay!!!!!!
Congrats on your little guy! Keep us updated on him. I know its scary to have your new baby in the NICU but they take such good care of them.
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