
Getting In Shape...

Not me, of course. Though I need to get my butt in gear and get in shape myself, Chris has actually stepped up to the plate... or the goal... and is playing soccer!

His brother Geoff and his wife Katie started up this indoor soccer league. It's a community thing, and lasts for a few weeks. It's fun to see him play. He plays every saturday at different times each week, and the team members take turns with different positions.

Here he is playing goalie. Pretty sweet, eh? He hasn't played since he was young, but he is good for being gone from the sport for so long. I can only imagine what I would look like out there. I played when I was 10, and I know I should probably play, but I'm almost sure I would look like a fool. 

I'm proud of Chris. He loves playing, even though he is beat up afterwards. We have a goal to start exercising regularly so he is isn't so beat up every week. 

Are there any sports that any of you would like to get into again after years of not playing? I played softball last summer for fun, and even though I wasn't very good, I had fun. I also had not played that in like 15 years. Myself, I'd like to get back into dance. I stopped after high school (due to lack of funding from my parents' pocket), and I really would love to start up again. One day I am determined I will!


paige said...

I am TOTALLY determined to start dancing again one day. Being in dance in high school is one of my favorite memories, I was always in shape & it's a FUN way to exercise.

Heather said...

I would love to dance again, but I want Jeff to do it with me. I really want to take salsa lessons or some kind of ballroom/couples dancing.
You should start up now Heidi because after you have kids you funding starts to dwindle rapidly.
For now I am just trying to get in enough shape on my bike so I can pull the cart with the kids behind me!

Karson and Kami said...

Fun! I wish Karson would get into soccer again..I've never even seen him really play! But I get to hear all the storied about how he was such a super star!

We should get on a couples softball team this summer. They do them here and it would be one night a week. We could make it a date night or something. That is, if you guys wanted to come this way once a week though.

Carly said...

...this makes me miss soccer (or any other form of real physical exercise that i have to abstain from given the pregnancy)!!!

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

I played soccer my whole growing up life and would love to play again on an "old and out-of-shape mom team" where I wouldn't look like a complete loser. Man, I really do miss it.
Matt and I go to the gym a couple of times a week, but that's just so we don't keel over from a heart attack. It would be fun to play a sport just because it's fun again.

Dubb Days said...

I also miss dance a lot! I actually dreamed last night that I went back to the old studio at the Sandy Mall. It is the only "sport" I am somewhat coordinated at. I realized once we were married that I am really not athletic, but I love to play!!

Laura said...

Thats awesome you want to get back into dance. It would be fun to take classes. I wish I were more coordinated and could do it! ha ha. I am trying to get back into running but the weather is not helping me.

Jeanette said...

Dance? I think that is a great idea! You could easily do that!Chris is awesome by the way.

Robyn Reynolds said...

Soccer is the best sport in the world! Good call Chris