
Wendover Fun

Isn't that the slogan? While we did have fun, it was not because we spent all day/night in a smoke-filled casino at the slots, though we probably smelled like we did.

This guys sure looks like he's having fun though, eh? See what BYU will do to a person? :)

We went with my in-laws, and we stayed at the Rainbow Hotel - sounds
charming, doesn't it? We ate at the Rainforest Buffet, which featured Alaskan King Crab (Yummy), along with many other kinds of seafood, and our hotel room had mirrors in it (yikes...), and we had a great time.
While I'd like to say that the reason we went was to get a buffet that was better than Chuck-A-Rama, I will tell you the real reason.

We went to see the wonderful, hilarious, and very talented Bill Cosby.
It was fantastic! He was so funny and played off the crowd the entire time. The way he does it - makes people laugh is so clever. What he did was tell stories. He tells story after story until you are in stitches from laughing so hard. I wish I could have recorded some of his stuff from the show. He did do his famous Dentist bit, but other than that, I had never heard most of his stuff. He talked mostly about his family, a lot about his wife... "You get to a point in marriage where you just don't say ANYTHING. Because it doesn't matter what you say." He has been married for 44 years, and though he laughed about his wife and told all sorts of stories, he loves her. That is obvious. I loved everything about his show - the way he played off the audience, the facial expressions, the way he made you feel, his stage presence. He came out in sweats and crocs. He was comfortable. He just sat down and started talking - no crazy jokes, nothing inapropriate. He wanted to just talk to us. It was great! I believe his first line was, "Here we are.... 110 miles from... somewhere."
If you get the chance to see him, take it. It is well worth the time and money. We loved it, and you will too.


Karson and Kami said...

Fun! Bill Cosby really is hilarious and I like how he is clean with his jokes, ya know? You don't find that in comedy anymore.

Is Chris growing out his hair or something? It looks longer and shaggier every time I see it! :)

Dubb Days said...

What the heck was Bill Cosby doing in Wendover? Tim said that you guys probably watched an impersonater and just thught you were seeing the real thing:) That is awesome you got to go, though. Sounds great. Miss and love you!

paige said...

That's so fun! I love the picture of the guy in the BYU jacket - how hilarious. :)

Thanks for all your comments on the blog! I can always count on you to make me feel popular! Haha!

Heather said...

I am jealous- but I am thrilled you had a great time. I would love to see him, hopefully (for some strange reason) he decides he likes Wendover and comes back and i will make sure to get tickets this time.
I do like the seafood buffet at the Rainforest. Jeff and I used to fly out there every once in a while just to have the buffet. We need to do that again sometime now that we live halfway there!

Robyn Reynolds said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! Jeff and I need a vacation for sure.

mead family said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. Bill Cosby is way funny, I love The Cosby Show. That would be so fun to see him in person.

Andrea Harper said...

I have actually been to Bill Cosby when he was here a couple years ago. So funny! His DVD's are the best. IT's so funny because it's real life, and everyone can relate to the stories he tells. How fun for you guys!

Ali said...

A get-a-way... *sigh. Sounds nice. The closest feeling I have to going to a vacation is going to the grocery store or library :) I'm not complaining, though!

I laughed at the BYU jacket/individual at the slot machine. Very funny.

Sheena Vierra is Andrew's cousin, in response to your question :) Great family!!

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

I love the picture of the BYU jacket playing the slots. Seriously funny.

I love Bill Cosby too. I would love to go and see him sometime! You're right, it's hard to find clean humor anymore.


Unknown said...

That sounds so FUN! What a weird place for him to have a show, lol. Hey want to go VT one last time before I leave? (sniffle sniffle)