
Ms. Barbie Doll

We all know how unrealistic Barbie is. The big boobs, the tiny waist, the perfect skin, hair, and makeup. Not to mention the fact that she has everything. Is she effecting the way the world is?

Recently in school we read a paper called "An Apology for the Life of Ms. Barbie D. Doll." The writer debated about how despite what some experts say, Barbie is not ruining the lives of teenage girls.

Some researchers say that because girls play with barbies when they are little, they grow up to take pleasure in leisure activities, popularity, and personal appearance. They seek to be like Barbie - therefore, she is to blame for self-esteem issues.

This writer used her own experiences to say that those reasons weren't valid and the researcher lacked her own experiences. Defending her stand, the writer said that is is more of what we see on TV and movies and read in books and magazines that effects younger kids and teenagers.

I thought it was an interesting subject, and I think I agree with the author of the paper. While Barbie certainly has a tiny body to go with those legs up to her neck, I'm not sure she has quite that much of an effect on the way girls turn out the way they do. We have the mass media to blame for that.

So what's your opinion? Does Barbie have a profound effect on kids that may carry into their later lives?


Karson and Kami said...

What? I think that theory is RIDICULOUS! I also agree that media, magazines, movies, stars, etc. is what makes girls try to be unrealistically perfect. What most girls don't realize is every picture you see in a magazine has been edited like crazy...faces airbrushed to perfection, boobs enhanced, digital lipo (liquify tool - heck I can even do this!) Those girls don't really look that perfect and a lot of teenage girls are comparing themselves to that. Barbie has nothing to do with it.

Karson and Kami said...

here is a good website to look at:

You can see that Kelly clarkson lost her booty and thighs - all their skin has been perfected, Penelope's lopsided boob was fixed and they even added more weight to Eva Longoria!

Dubb Days said...

I don't think that Barbie alone has the blame. I do think she, just like everything girls and boys play with, watch, and read effect what they think about the world and about the life they have. Kids are effected by what is around them--just as much with the good as the bad. They can play with Barbies and still have a positive self image--it all comes down to the home and family in my opinion. It also comes down to what the priority in a mom and dads life is. If a daughter constantly hears her mom talking about needing to lose weight, speaking negatively about herself, talking about what is going on in "Hollywood" or the latest trends that will have a much greater influence on what becomes important to the child than playing with a Barbie. The parents in this world need to start taking responsibility for what their children are learning, watching, reading, etc. instead of trying to blame the media and everyone else for how their children are turning out.
Wow, I just spent some time on a little soap box didn't I. I will get off now. Interesting subject matter, Heiders!

Heather said...

I agree with Holly- I don't have the time to write a novel though right now. :)

paige said...

I don't think Barbie affected me or my self image & I played with Barbie's until I was ... well, too old to play with Barbie's. Depending on the person, though, they might have more of an effect on some people that others. But they shouldn't take all the blame, there is so much media out there & it's all around us. On TV, in line at the grocery store, movies, even previews & the internet.

Heidi Wing said...

Hey Heidi.. Its Heidi Welch How are you? I came across your blog and thought i would say hi. Keep in touch!!!

Laura said...

I don't think we can blame Barbie for our unrealistic ideals. We need to determine what is fiction and what is reality for ourselves. Perfect examples of movies from when I was a teen ager-Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman. They had happy Hollywood endings and obvoiusly wouldnt happen the same way in real life. Which is fine--who wants crappy endings and an ugly Barbie doll? Its all about educating ourselves about what is reality.

Vierra crew said...

Hey! Its good to hear from you. I'm related to andrew. His dad is my dads uncle. Thats crazy that you know them also! Well keep in touch.

Andrea Harper said...

Heidi! Yay, I was so happy to see your comment on my blog! It's so fun to be able to keep in touch with everyone. Looks like you and your cute hubby are doing great!