
Top 5 Reasons

I was looking through my "Preach My Gospel" manual the other day (what missionaries use to teach, for those of you who aren't familiar), and I realized just how much I marked that thing up. It is basically falling apart, but I have some great insights in there.

On the first page, I wrote down what I learned from each of my eight companions. It seemed that I learned more from the companions I had the hardest times with. But I was reminded of just why I loved my mission, and I wanted to share, if I had to choose, what those top five reasons would be.

5. I was able to serve wonderful people, with wonderful people. 
Like I said before, my companions taught me so much. Serving with those girls made it fun, and meaningful. And I will never forget the people we came in contact with. Whether they joined the church or not, it was wonderful getting to know them. Not to mention the members - Some of the people I look up to the most are from wards in the Fresno Mission.

4. I was able to serve under two mission presidents. 
That was a huge blessing. I got to know and love both of those great men, and though           their leadership styles were different, they each taught me lessons that can help me throughoutmy entire life.

3. I learned how to live with someone 24/7, and how to get through things... 
There was no point in fighting when you have to deal with each other no matter what, so working things out was a priority.

2. I gained a testimony of my own of the gospel. 
I always thought the gospel was true, but it wasn't until I was learning, studying, and focusing on the gospel day in and day out that I knew that it was true for myself. I gained a testimony of the power of prayer - some of the greatest times on my mission was when I was on my knees. I know that Jesus Christ in my Savior and I need him. I am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice, without which I would be nothing.

1. I learned what's TRULY important. 
When you're on a mission, you say goodbye to the world. There are no TV's to watch, no radio to listen to, and though there are magazines in the check-out line at the grocery store, you do your best at avoiding them. Because for your whole mission, whether 18 months or 2 years, you want to spend that time devoted to the work. You know that will be the only time you can be fully dedicated his work - that is your job, and the only thing you have to worry about. We can all easily get caught up in what's going on in the world. But those things should be least important. We have so much more to worry about.

Okay, one more reason (of many) - I gained a greater appreciation and love for my family. There really is no place like home, and I am grateful for those devoted family members of mine who sent me letters often and included me in their prayers.

I will always remember what happened in the mission field to change my perspective on things. The entire 18 months was a roller-coaster ride full of ups and downs, and I am grateful for the ride.


Dubb Days said...

I am so happy you served a mission Heidi. I knew a mission wasn't what I was supposed to do, but that doesn't mean I haven't wanted to. Someday I hope, though I will do what I can now in my own situation. Thank you for sharing those insights. I always looked forward to your emails. I loved our little games we played. It helped me keep a gospel perspective in my own life at home. Love you!

Carly said...

heid: i could say so many of the exact same things! isn't it amazing how wonderful the gospel is? i think if more people understood how great it is to serve a mission....wow! the world would be a very different place! love ya!

Unknown said...

I think you should put those straight onto your resume! Lol :)

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Perhaps I should peruse my own little copy of this wonderful book. Sounds like there might be some pearls inside for all of us.

Tadorton said...

I found one of my tags today and put it on. It wasn't the same, but the memories where there. I loved that time!

amanda said...

I like that. I think that is one of my favorite posts. It makes me miss it. I love you a lot...and hope you know that.