
Weekend O' Fun

I am so happy for the warm weather to be here... but I can only wish that it will stay. That is a wish that has not come true thus far this year. I feel like it's one of the signs of the times, not able to be sure what season it is!

Last weekend was also nice - unless you were walking around downtown all night in open-toed shoes. This was one of the highlights of the weekend.
On Friday night, we went to a place called Settebello's, in downtown SLC. I had never heard of it before - but some friends of ours love it. We went out with them for the first time, they are in our ward. Great couple.

Anyway, so Settebello's is a pizza place - this is the pizza I got. But don't be fooled by the perfect slice in the middle... they serve it without slicing it. Has anyone eaten a whole pizza with just a fork and knife? Let me tell you, it was an experience. It was great pizza, but almost too much work. Maybe I'm a wimp. That is, after all, how the Italians eat it.

But I felt like I did when we went to eat all-you-can-eat crab, where you use your mallet to crack open the little suckers. Too much work for such a small amount of meat. Now, the pizza was yummy, and it was quite large (I ended up getting a to-go box, then leaving it at the restaurant) - but it was kind of a hassle!

After dinner, Chris and I went to Desert Star Playhouse. We have
season tickets, and the days are set in advance... we felt kind of bad ditching our "date" with Lisa and John, but they were cool with it. The play was "The Wizard of Odd - A Wicked Comedy." It was great! I love these plays. We always have a great time, and it's been a family favorite of mine since I was young.

On Saturday my violin lesson was cancelled, so I decided to do laundry at my parent's house (our complex has laundry machines, but we don't always have quarters. How grateful I am for our parents)! As fun as that does sound, I did do some shopping in-between loads, which is always fun. I was rushed, however, and it's not always fun to be rushed when you haven't been shopping (other than at the grocery store) for months!

At 6:00 we met my cousin and his wife downtown. She is a very talented photographer, and I wanted to get pictures taken of Chris and I. This is where the freezing toes come in. I made the mistake of wearing open-toed sandals all night. We parked downtown and just started walking. We walked around to different alley ways, the Gallivan center, and random places that normally you wouldn't notice. I really like her style, and we had a lot of fun hanging out with them. We went out to P.F. Chang's afterwards for dinner. Yummy!

If you want to, you can look at the "sneak-peek" of our pictures on Kami's website. http://www.kamivoilesphotography.blogspot.com/ Thanks again, Kami! It was fun!

On Sunday we ate dinner at Chris's parent's house, and watched "Enchanted" with them. Half of them hadn't seen it, and of course, they loved it!


Karson and Kami said...

MMMM, that pizza looks delicious!! I'm always looking for good pizza places. Karson and I really love Boston's! Have you been there? I'm not sure they have one other than Layton, so probably not.

Maybe that's where we will take you and Chris next time you come out this way!

Your so welcome for the pictures. It was a lot of fun! I can't believe you wore those shoes either...but they are so cute! So it all worked out. It was pretty cold though. We'll get some of the night time shots next time we get together when it's a bit warmer outside.

Thanks again for dinner. I know Karson has a hard time accepting others paying for us, but he really did appreciate it. You guys are awesome!!

mead family said...

Sounds like a busy but fun weekend! Your pictures look so cute. She is a very good photographer.

Heather said...

I LOVE the last two pictures! Looks like you found some fun places to take them- good job Kami!
You guys are such a cute couple- I love you both so much!

Katy and Rob Bodily said...

Those pics of you guys are really cute. We need to hang out some time. The only time I see you is at people's wedding...and I don't know anyone getting married anytime soon.

Dubb Days said...

Wow Heidi, you could start a career as a food and restaurant critic! I miss Deseret Star! The pictures of you guys turned out great. Tim liked the one where you have serious attitude. I like all of them, but I think the last one with your hand under your chin is my favorite!

Laura said...

The weather is crazy, I feel like I need therapy!

You guys were busy with such a fun weekend. Mmm you ate yummy food too. Love that.

The pictures are soooo cute! I love that you go them done, it will be awesome to get them in frames to put around your house.

Jeanette said...

The pictures of you are SO cute! And boy you are incredibly gorgeous.

I loved The Wizard of Odd! My favorite part was the "Ding Dong? The witch is dead." SO funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Heidi! I'm glad you found our blog. It's fun to discover yours, too! We're always glad to see you when you come visit our ward! Cute pictures, by the way!! Kristen

Unknown said...

CUUUUUTE PICS! My faves are the first and last, but the 'attitude' one looks like the cover of a CD, lol. that's ur next step! a couples CD! lol LOVE it