
Family Week O' Fun

My older sister Holly moved to Florida about two years ago. 
Her husband Tim is from there - he stole her away from us and we only 
get to see them once a year, if we're lucky. :) (Kidding, Tim.) 

We love Holly and Timand we were sooo happy they found some low rates 
and were able to come out for a week! The entire time they 
were here was jam packed with stuff - including a big sleep over with 
all the siblings! It was so nice to spend time with everyone. I saw my brother 
Taylor more that week than I have in months!

Here are some highlights. (I of course will try to limit the pictures...)

Cessna and Robby playing - Robby is Holly's two and a half year old. 
He's a little smarty, and a little crazy... I'll post some videos later.

Me and Bree - my five-month-old niece 
who I had never met before this trip

They came to visit me at work, this is Robby playing around 
the dominoes chair we have located in our conference room

The grandkids hangin' out together. 
They love when their cousin Robby comes to play!

This was the night of the sleep over.  Everyone was there - even 
Hannah Montana graced us with her presence and her awesome rock skills :)

On Saturday night, it was our turn to do the cousin-dinner 
get-together. Each month we take turns getting together and 
cooking together, and socializing. We had fun - even though 
we had about 15 people crammed into our tiny space!

Taylor and my cousin Angela

The dinner crew... this isn't all of them.

We had chili and cornbread. Mmmmm.....

Playing a game after dinner

On Sunday we had family pictures. It was so nice having everyone together.
These pics are from my camera - I can't wait to see the final products.

My immediate family:
Taylor, Holly, Dad, Mom, Heather, TJ, Me

My sisters. We love spending time together.
Heather, Holly, me

My adorable niece Bree. She is so much fun!

The grandkids.... why is it so hard for kids to 
just look at a camera and smile?

Holly, Tim, Bree and Robby. We miss you!

We had so much fun. We love you and can't wait for you to come 
again - and we will try our best to come see you.  
I think you know we'd rather be in Florida at this time of year!


Heather said...

I miss them too so much!
Let me know if you need anything Heidi- i love you!

Anonymous said...

Is Chris wearing a BYU shirt? Go UTES

Karson and Kami said...

Yay! Good Times! Thanks for the yummy chili and ice cream! I'm glad that Karson and I were able to make it and he still go to have his late rock climbing party with his buddies. :) YAY!

I *almost* have your guys' photos done. The ones on the bridge didn't turn out so great. It was hard with me being so far away and not being able to tell expressions. I'd have to do like 6 head-swaps to get it looking okay..and that'd be a nightmare. But the one on the stairs is super cute! I only had to do 2 swaps and I bet you guys can't even guess who! hehe.

Love ya!

Karson and Kami said...

Oh yeah, and I'm excited to see pictures from Chris' suprise party. I hope you all had an awesome time. I'm sorry we didn't make it. I had a crazy busy day and a photo shoot that ran late so by the time I was done I knew I wouldn't have time to shower and get ready and make the long drive before the party was pretty much over. But I hope Chris was really suprrised and that you all had an awesome time!

Dubb Days said...

It was a family week o' fun! I was pulling up pictures of the trip today and one of you pulled up. Robby instantly said aunt Heidi and when I moved on he said "aunt Heidi again" thought that might warm your heart:)