
Cedar City

Over the weekend, Chris and I headed to Cedar City for his family reunion. It was perfect weather, and there was quite a good turn out. As always, there was excellent food... that of course, we ate too much of - and an auction, where we spent too much money. 

We ended up with some blackberry syrup (that I am dying to try), an old rake head (that actually is really cool), a picture of the family ranch, and some I Love Troy High School Musical socks. The latter was my favorite buy. They were only a buck.... and truly, I do love Troy. :)

Most of the time was spent visiting and relaxing...
Literally. Chris and his dad catching some Z's...

Me and my sister-in-law Aubri

This darling little lady is Chris's great-grandmother, Ramona Munford. Born in 1912, this 97-year old sweetheart has great health, a great smile, and looks like she's 70. I took the time to ask her some questions about being around for almost 100 years. She has a remarkable memory and was happy to share her thoughts, and I was amazed as I sat back to watch others chat with her as well. She has an exceptional ability to make others around her smile. She seems so innocent, though she's known more life than anyone I've ever known. It was wonderful to get to know her a little better. 

The money made from the reunion auction went toward repairs on the family ranch. I hadn't ever been there, so we took a quick trip to look around for a couple of hours.
Warren View Drive - Warren is the late husband of Ramona, who I mentioned earlier.

The original cabin was the one on the right. They eventually built the one on the left, though it's  not much bigger, for something more "roomy."

The ranch is fully equipped with: 
An awesome stove from who knows when... 

(which I look great at... in case you can't tell)

A wash basin next to the one bed, located in the loft - that I'm not sure still gets used.

An outhouse,
(located a few yards away from the cabin...)

a play "house" for the kids (or adventurous adults),

a natural spring...

...which Chris made me drink, straight from the flow... but it was cold, crisp, and some of the best water I've ever tasted.

And immaculately gorgeous views, everywhere you looked.

There are countless names carved into the barks of several trees throughout this small grove. 

Chris also took the liberty of carving his name into one of them...
Or two of them...

Or three. There could have been more... it says on this one he was around in 1912... silly kid.

I loved watching Chris as he reminisced about his childhood days. It was here that he walked  and spent countless hours looking for rocks and fossils - which is what his grandpa loved most.

While walking back to our car, we realized just how terrible of a parking job we did... though, there weren't any specific areas to park to begin with. It was amazing we made it as far as we did.

On the way back, however, because the road was extremely uneven and bumpy, we lost a part of our bumper while hitting one of those bumps too hard.

Luckily, it snapped right back into place.

On the way back, there were several breathtaking views for photography opportunities. While my camera isn't the greatest, I took full advantage.

We have a family trip planned at the ranch in August. I'm excited to spend more time there... and maybe get a few better pictures of the scenery!


Andrea said...

That sounds like so much fun--love stuff like that! Chris' great-grandma is darling. I would love to hear her stories.

Heather said...

For not a very nice camera I think you got some Great Shots! It looks like a very beautiful place, and the way Chris talked about it reminded me alot of Woodruff....it may not be as beautiful, but it holds many close memories to my heart.
And the water in woodruff is still the best water I have ever had- I can't drink enough of it when I am there!

VTS said...

Fun trip! The best part of the pics was Chris's T-shirt. What a nerd!

Are you doing book club this month. I read the Memory Keeper's Daughter but I don't remember having a meeting about it. Was that delayed?

Dubb Days said...

I am glad you guys had a good time. Looks like a great weekend. It is good to get out of routine and enjoy each other isn't it!

Sariah said...

What a neat vaca. You've almost convinced me that I myself might enjoy going to a family reunion. Chris's family must love you, so optimistic and insightful... you really seem to get the most out of each moment.