
Life's Slogan

While I probably should put on a happy face through my trials because they will "only make me stronger" (which I know is true but just don't want to admit it), I've just chosen to deal with mine the best I can. I cry when I need to (which is more frequently than I maybe should), pray when I need to (a lot), talk about it when I need to... and I can't help but think, all the time, about the messes I've been handed.

As much as I've thought
about elaborating on my "poor me" list, I've decided against it. Whining (for the most part) is not what I'm about. And, on the other hand, I'm positive these aren't the first occurrences of these particular situations. To me, yes. But I'm sure there are countless numbers of others who have found themselves thinking, "what now?" after being attacked from every side with obstacles that are "good" for them and wondering what's next. And, on the other hand, it definitely could be worse. But apparently, when it rains, it POURS. And I'm still not ready to welcome it.

Things will look up, I'm positive about that. Perhaps, things "looking up" will mean just dealing with it the best I can, and praying I'll get through it with some help. I know I'm surrounded by great people that are here for me (thank you to my friends and family, especially to my sweet husband who's been there for me with a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. I love you and love that you care about me).

For now, I guess I'll just be waiting for something else to go wrong... because, as of late, life has seemed to enjoy handing me chaos-filled situations and saying,

"Have a crappy day."


Jenny said...

Oh Heidi...yes, you've been dealt a very crappy hand lately. At least you're making lemonade with those lemons huh? Just remember, you can only go up once you've been down. I'll always be there with a hand to help you up! I LOVE YOU BFF! :)

Orton Gang said...

Heider, I am so grateful you have a strong testimony and rely on prayer and look to your family and friends and especially your husband for guidance. It is so important to have communication with your spuse. I love you and know I am here for you. You know you have a strong sista support.Keep your chin up! Love Mumsy

Heather said...

Well we talked on Sunday about this- and we all go through these times.

Life is a Roller Coaster ride. There are Ups and Downs, Twists and Turns. You only hope that when you reach the end you can say you enjoyed the ride.

Make Jesus your Way, your Truth, and your Life and even in the darkest of times (trust me) He is the only one who can lead you through. John 14:6

I Love you and am always here for you- your real Sista (not Mom just pretending to be one)

mead family said...

I'm sorry you are having a hard time lately. I hope things start looking up for you. You are strong and will get through these hard times and come out even stronger.

The Lloyd's said...

I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going well. I hope that life decides to be a bit nicer for you, and soon!

Andrea said...

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time of it these days. PLEASE let me know if I can do something for you! We love you guys SO much at our house!

Andrea Harper said...

Awe, man. I'm sorry things are CRAPPY for you right now. It really is true that when it rains it POURS. Anything I can do? I'm serious....

And good for you for seeing that your trials really are "good" for you. I'm not always quite so mature about it. I'm all, really? REALLY???? Pretty sure I could have learned this lesson a BETTER way....:) But thats just me being a brat. And you, my friend, are just not a brat. Cheers.

Glad you can count on an awesome hubby to be there for you. I got me one of those too.

Don't they ROCK?

Dubb Days said...

Can't wait to give you a big old hug and have Robby sing Hakuna Matata to you. If that doesn't put a smile on your face, don't know what will.

Anonymous said...

I love you Heidi, things will only get better from now on. After something bad comes something good remember.

Robyn Reynolds said...

I hear ya sister! I am sorry things aren't going well right now. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Anonymous said...

My Mom's friend had a good saying for times like this..."Never forget that it always gets darkest before it goes totally black......so dont worry, it can only get worse!" :) Things may not get better...sometimes they don't. But you're loved, so you're going to be okay.

love caley

Jeanette said...

I love you Heidi. That is all. And dido to having crappy days. Welcome to my life! :D You are an amazing example to me. Keep your smile on.