

Silver Lake has been a favorite family spot for my mom for as long as I can remember. We took a trip up there for dinner on Sunday, and had a great time.

This is my grandmother Thelma Lou. Oh, how I love this woman. I wish I could tell you all of the direct quotes from her that have had me bent over laughing. I will tell you that she is nothing less than incredible, and on top of being funny, she is my greatest example. I can't tell you how many times I have asked myself, "What would Thelma do?"

Daytona, expressing her feelings for her stroller

The other day we went to the Gateway mall for lunch for my mom's birthday. Heather and the kids went early and played in the fountains, and I met up with them at CPK afterwards.
My brother Taylor was there, which was nice. We don't get to see him very often, it seems. Here's some pictures from the day.

Lance and Daytona playing... or doing a little pole dancing, if you will...

Cessna and Taylor at lunch

The next few pictures are Taylor holding up the 
kids in the mist at the Gateway.

I love this face!

Daytona - what a cute little girl :)

Cessna in the mist... and if  you can see it, please 
enjoy Taylor's flowing hair...


mead family said...

I can't believe how long Taylor's hair is! He is so funny. I love the Gateway, it sounds like you had fun. Your mom and grandma look so much alike!

Dubb Days said...

Right with you on the Thelma Lou comments! Looks like you guys had fun even with out me there-darn it:)!

Jeanette said...

I miss that boy! He has a way of making me laugh no matter how I am feeling. Hey, curious...I want to get a triple date with you, Chris, Jessi, Brad, Nick and me. I haven't been bowling in forever... think about it. Let me know. Love you.

Heather said...

You got some good pictures too. I am glad you got one of Daytona- mine was blurry. It was a fun day :)

Jeff and Emily said...

Strangely enough I love Thelma too! I've known her my whole life and look forward to seeing her everytime I visit my mom's ward.