

Over the last few weeks, there have been different things that I have been meaning to post that I haven't gotten around to. So, enjoy the random photos and events...

A couple weeks ago, My friend Nuria and I threw a baby shower for our good friend Robyn (2nd one on the left below). Six out of the eleven girls that came were pregnant! (Some of which, you can't tell at all.) I want to point out Meggie, third in from the right. 23 or 24 weeks along. With TWINS. Yup. Crazy.

Yes, six out of the eleven girls there had buns in the oven. It's fun to see everyone with little ones, and to see their families grow. We had a great time, and I love all of these girls.

And a few nights ago, I went to a Galvanic Spa demo - this product that is supposed to take away wrinkles... I'm sure it works. But it's mega-super expensive - and who wants to spend $300 dollars on it? Not me! This is me with Nuria, Charlee and Christy. I hadn't seen Charlee for about three and a half years - it was so good to catch up and have fun. I love these girls, too. :)

And just a few days ago, I got a surprise visitor at work - my cousin Drew, from Maryland! I hadn't seen him since my wedding, and it was so fun to visit for a little while (he really only had about 20 minutes). He is moving to Oregon, and was on his way through. 
He's a way cool kid.

This is me with Cessna and Lance, playing on the tramp a couple weeks ago.

Our friends Jenny and Bryant have a weimeraner who gave birth to nine puppies last weekend! Yup - nine. I'm glad I'm not a dog, is what I have to say about that. I think I took more pictures than necessary (then again, what's new?) but - look how cute!

I love to see them all cuddled up into each other.
Just to show how small they are. 
They haven't even opened their eyes yet, 
that won't come for another couple of weeks, I guess.
Chris holding two... they are so little!
Chris trying to feed them.... not sure how that will work?


Karson and Kami said...

How fun! I can't believe you have so many friends that are pregnant. I think it would be fun to be pregnant at the same time as one of my friends - let alone a bunch of them!

That Charlee girl is so pretty! Is she married? lol hook her up with my brother! :)

JeSs said...

how fun! I love the pics! I know, right...meggie looks amazing for carrying twins! They all look so good! It is so fun to see your blog! P.S. LOVE YOU!!!

mead family said...

Those puppies are so cute! I want one:) I can't believe how many girls were pregnant there! Looks like there is gonna be another baby boom.

Calli Hayman said...

Cute Puupies! i'm such a sucker for dogs i keep begging mike for one and he actually wants a weimeraner but we don't have a yard for a dog yet :o(

Katie M. said...

Um... Chris, what are you doing with the doggies?? Haa haaa.

Looks like you are having one, hot, summer full of fun, lady!!! Why haven't you come to Philly yet?? I should send you a hate letter. But I wont. I love ya. Come to Philly, please:))

Karlee Turner said...

Found you! It was so good to see you at Carly's shower the other night! You look great and you and your hubby are so cute. Keep in touch ok!
PS those puppies are so stinkin adorable! That's the kind of dog my husband wants...maybe one day when we have a yard big enough!

Karlee Turner said...

Oh and one random question...how do you put videos on your blog??

Jeff and Emily said...

So Cute! I loved chatting with you at the shower. It always suprises me how much we have in common.....Crazy. Anyway I'm excited for the 23rd!

Dubb Days said...

can you come play with Robby on a tramp? Cute pics. /tim used to try abd nurse Robby--didn't ever work out:) Thhanks for answering/returning my call yesterday:)

Robyn Reynolds said...

I love how Chris's maternal instinct just kicks in with trying to feed those puppies. I am way glad you came to dinner tonight. I am excited for the 23rd!