
It. Was. Hot.

Luckily, the water was the perfect antidote to the scorching-hotter-than-105-degree weather. And so, the water, along with the burning sun, made the perfect combination for the tan I worked on (that I think I achieved. A colleague at work asked me how I felt being black).

It was a week of relaxation... and that's what we needed. Here are some highlights.

Chris proved he could blow the biggest bubble...

And my dad proved... that he is purely awesome with his peace necklace.

Me... well, I wasn't great at that game...

Of course there were the water sports...

This was dragged behind the wave runner. It spun out of control whenever it turned.... and though I didn't try it, I'm pretty sure I know how it would've gone with me in there...

This toy - the G6 - was the biggest and best new toy this year.

Turns out that it's actually quite useful turned upside-down as well.
King of the Hill was played nearly every night on this thing.

Chris decided before the trip that he would give himself a mohawk. So, that he did...

And set out to change the boat, one mohawk at a time.... 
here he is with my cousin Mitchie.

He even talked my nephew Lance into it... though I'm not sure Lance knew what he was saying yes to at the time.

Too cute though. Too cute.

I even fished with Chris... and it wasn't so bad. Didn't catch anything, however.

Good times.


Dubb Days said...

Yah, I have something to say--jealousy, pure, jealousy. Not just about the tan, the trip too.

Keersten said...

You got some excellent action shots! I love the mohawk, totally cracked me up yesterday.

Nick & Danielle said...

I'm so jealous. It sounds as if we were just leaving lake powell when you were getting there. And I wish I was STILL there. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. By the way...camping at lake powell is no were near having a houseboat on lake powell. We may never camp again if I have anything to do with it.

Andrea said...

SO,SO,SO,SO much fun!! Love it down there! Looks like you guys had a blast. Sun, water and food--what more do you need?

Heather said...

It was a wonderful time- and I like the pictures you selected out of the like 200 you took!

Annie M. W. said...

Wow! That looks like too much fun! And I'm jealous of your tan!! ;)

VTS said...

Holy Fun-ness! I need a vacation like that. You look like a beach goddess with your tan and all!

Robyn Reynolds said...

I haven't been to Powell forever and I sure miss that place. I love the mohawks! That little boy is so cute with one.

Karson and Kami said...

Whoa, love the flip Chris is doing on the kneeboard! I'm glad Karson and I bought that, even though we didn't really get a chance to ride it. But, I'm glad that others were able to have fun with it.
And yes..you acheived your tan.... You always do!!