
Why Wait?

I (lovingly) stole this image from a friend's blog; I think it is perfect for how I've been feeling. For the part of me that wants to use the "nice" china for no special reason, and who actually did use a crystal goblet to drink her Martinelli's, when her husband used a mug. There's no reason to wait for such things... why not do it now?

Tell someone you love them.
Give your loved ones extra kisses.
Take pictures of everything.
Don't ever dismiss a kind thought.
Do something nice for someone just because.
Spend an extra hour with your little one(s) doing what they want to do...
because the dishes can wait.
Help a friend with whatever is needed.
Listen harder.
Be a shoulder to cry on when needed.
Eat the chocolate.

Be yourself... that's what you were intended to do.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love this! I may have to steal it!