

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to let Jack roam diaper-free while running his bath water, something I do now and again when there's time to spare.

Deciding that his nude body was too cute not to snap some pictures of, I ran to snatch my camera, hurrying back before he peed all over (which I'm always afraid of).

I made it back in time to see him pulling his tiny frame up to some toy tables in his room, and watched his naked self having fun being free from clothing. I snapped a couple of pictures, which he smiled for, and then froze in place for just a few seconds.

The next thing I knew, this is what I looked down to.
Of course, the moment was too classic not to document... but poop on the floor with more coming out of his small behind was not a fun thing to find. And, my fear was confirmed... there was also pee everywhere.

His next move was stepping in his filth... and, being curious as to what he had stepped in, looked down and ground it further into the grains of the carpet with is foot - amused, I'm sure, at the (pardon the description) slimy goo he found between his toes.

Cleaning him had never been so much fun.


Jenny said...

Oh my goodness...that is hilarious! I love the poop picture. Welcome to motherhood! Cleaning poop and pee off the carpet! Love Jack's bum! Looks just like his daddy's (wait a minute...how do I know that?!JK!)

Heather said...

Ewww. So funny, but Ewww.

The Lee Adventure said...

I have tears in my eyes from laughting!! Welcome to motherhood!

Lisa said...

Those are great pictures for blackmailing him later on.