
We Knew He Was Small...

Meet Mr. Bear. He is approximately 12" tall (sitting down).
I woke up from a nap one day to see that Chris had stripped him down and given his clothes to Jack...
Who fit into them (at 10 months old).

It's good to know that if he ever runs out of clean clothes, Mr. Bear has him covered.


Dubb Days said...

so stimkin cute! Or if you have pile so high of clean clothes That just hasn't been sorted through......

Heather said...

So Funny. Such a cute little thing! It is going to be weird when he starts walking, just like it was with Trey. Too fun!

Lisa said...


Ann and Bryndon said...

Love it! :)

Thelma said...

I'm glad I am finally in.. He looks as cute from the back as the front.. referring to the past entry. And you never know what to expect from Chris.. Love GG

Shelene Orton said...

How funny.. Of course Jack rolls wiht the punches.. He e looks like Geez Dad, I am still cute though! What a doll!

Karson and Kami said...

Gosh, it's been way too long since I have visited people's blogs! I decided to start up a new blog and have been visiting others tonight too. I know this post is a couple months old (looks like you don't blog as much as you used to either hehe). Jack is so stinkin cute! I love that he is so little still! Miss you guys!