

Found at my parents' house, on the Saturday before Daylight Savings a few weeks ago:

"Don't forget to set me ahead tonight. We'll be watching you. Your friends, The Clocks"

It was lovingly taped up by my Grandma Thelma, pictured below between my mother and myself.
I love this woman. Not only is she hilarious, but she can beat anyone at Encore, hand over fist.

Our family has been playing this game since I can remember. We played it over conference weekend just a week ago, and of course, the epic battle between the girls and the guys had us coming out on top.
Our secret weapon? Grandma. Just when we think we're stumped for good, she'll whip out a song from the 40's or earlier. Of course, no one has ever heard the song, but that's what makes it great to be on her team. She's the best. And of course, no one would dare to question her.

Look how happy she is?
This woman loves her family, despite the crazy stuff she's been put through. She is a rock... and one of my idols. I can only hope to grow to be half as wonderful as she is, and I have said before that I am frequently asking myself, "what would Thelma do?" Unfortunately, I'm afraid I've done far too many things that she wouldn't. I guess that's the beauty of life... having someone to look up to pushes you to do better.

The least I can hope is to stay on her team... whenever she goes (though I hope she sticks around forever), she'll be on her way to someplace good.


Laura said...

That's an awesome sign!! Grandmas are the best!! They are so full of wisdom and sass!

Heather said...

She is the best, and Sunday was fun!

Dubb Days said...

oh my Thelma! Don't even know how to explain my love for this woman!

I would be on gg's team any day of the week! Bummed I missed the epic battle.

Love the clock note! SO great.

Karson and Kami said...

Your grandma really is a wonderful woman. Cherish every moment you get to spend with her. Losing my grandma recently was one of the hardest (and still continues to be) things that I've gone through.

Shelene Orton said...

I will have to make sure Thelmar Lou sees this. What a nice tribute to a great granmother and a Super MOm! That note was a crack up and Encore was a blast! Thanks heider and everyones wonderful comments about my Mumsy!