
Our Little Helper

Because Jack is always interested in whatever mom and dad are doing, we let him "help" us out... and he loves it.

When all he wants me to do is hold him when I am trying to get dinner done, I like to try and trick him by giving him a couple of kitchen "devices" to hold him over.
It usually works, for a while. Thank goodness.
Why he is only needy when I'm cooking is beyond me.

When dad was recently putting together a new table, Jack was all about helping.
Apparently he just had to have the tool dad was using... This grin quickly disappeared when we tried to give him a different one.
...Even though this was all he used it for.

But I love that he wants to be where we are, no matter what we're doing... whether he's actually helping (which is actually the case sometimes) or just curious. And I especially love when my two boys are together... showing some skin. :)


Dubb Days said...

That is awesome. Really awesome.

i also like how he is a wintered out and then just in his diaper. Did he get hot?

Oh and they always want you the one time they know they can't. Boys start this at a very young age with women.

Heather said...

This is perfection!
Every picture tells such a cute story- except the last one, maybe you should get Chris a diaper ;)

Karson and Kami said...

LMAO @ Heather!!! hehehe. Love these pictures though, what a fun age Jack is at. I can't wait for all of these fun moments of being a parent.

Shelene Orton said...

Nice but Crack! I am so glad you include him. Such cute pictures!