
I've Been Tagged

What you're about to see is pretty pathetic. Thanks to my friend Jenny Baker, you all get to see the contents of my purse. I warned her... my purse is somewhat of a small suitcase.

In the movie "One Fine Day" (one of my favorites), Michelle Pfeiffer tries to put some sort of superhero costumes together for her boy and George Clooney's little girl. It is superhero day at the daycare, and they aren't prepared. She digs into her bag and puts together 2 complete superhero outfits. In watching this, my favorite line is from George, who looks shocked and asks, "Where... where do you get a bag like that?"

My bag is big and full of stuff - but I cannot say it is as useful.

-Wallet, check book, and personal planner
-My glasses (restricted to them when I drive... and sometimes I remember to use them!)
-My ipod, headphones, and the ipod cord for my computer (because you just never know when you'll need to download a song or a CD)
-My jump drive for school
-Antibacterial gel
-Movie stub (27 Dresses) I normally have many receipts in there too, but I have recently cleaned them out. Lucky you!
-Scrapbooking sticker dots (that I used recently and just hadn't taken out yet)
-Sunglasses (of course, cheap walmart ones that have broken several times but fixed by my handy husband. they are perfect for being tossed around in my huge bag
-My camera (I've kept one with me since my senior year of high school)
-My computer cord for my camera (I've recently started carrying this one with me - you'd be surprised how many people need to take a picture of something right then. There isn't a way to get the picture without a cord!)
-Wet wipes (They come in handy even without a kid)
-Pencil and Pen
-Floss (because it's so much more convenient than carrying a toothbrush around)
-Lip gloss
-Emory board
-Bobby pins and elastics carried in an altoids case (sometimes I get these and the mints confused, though they are in different cases, and I trick peeople all of the time. Hardly ever on purpose.)
-Cell phone
-And last but not least, my Journal. Of course, I don't always carry my journal around. But I always have something in there, in case I need to wait somewhere and I have nothing to do. I have replaced this with book 7 of Harry Potter.

And there you have it! I now tag Paige, Ali, Kami, Katie, Robyn, and Jeanette. Spill it, girls!


Dubb Days said...

wow, if you have all that now, wait until you have a kid! You are going to need a duffle bag!

Heather said...

I second what Holly says! You think out diaper bags were huge I can't wait to see yours!

Karson and Kami said...

Yep, I'm just about to do this for my blog since Heather tagged me. But mine is not even close to full like this :)

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

OK, you win. It is a suitcase. Do you have a purse with wheels?

Robyn Reynolds said...

Oh no, I just saw that you tagged me. This is going to be sad but I will do it. How have you been?