
Ode to Sister Wilson

One of my closest friends complained to me about her not being on my blog yet. I haven't intentionally left her off, I just haven't written about her yet... and apparently she thinks she is important enough to be on here. :) So, here is a little bit about her and how much she means to me. I won't bore you with all of the cheesy details (believe me - there are A LOT), but here's just a bit.

About 4 months into my mission, I attended a zone conference where my soon-to-be-companion entered the mission field. She was a spanish sister who was originally called to serve in Venezuela, was sent to Vegas for 4 months, then was finally re-assigned to the Fresno Mission. Her name was Sister Wilson. At the time, I remember thinking, "She's cool, I want to be her companion." But, though spanish and english elders were paired together quite often, it was less common for that to happen with sisters.

Four or Five months later, I was at the end of a transfer waiting for a call for my next assignment. I received the call from my district leader, saying that I would be sent down to Selma to serve with Sister Wilson, in a "zebra" area (half spanish/half english). Boy, was I scared. And Shocked! First I thought, "A spanish area? What?" Then I wondered if Sister Wilson would even like me.

Later that week, on the day of transfers, she told me that she also had wanted to be my companion when we met at that zone conference, too! I soon found out how funny and crazy she was, and we had a blast together. I've had the opportunity to reflect on my mission over the last few weeks, and I've been thinking especially about that area and the things that happened there.

There are so many people to remember that have changed my life- Sheila and Dave, Nubia and Carl, the Hendricksons, the Thurstons, Cara Weeks, President Buchanan, the Torres's. We found the Carranza family, a family of 5 kids - and they were all incredible. From the very first time we went into their home, we could tell that the oldest boy, Gerardo Jr. was "golden." He never ceased to amaze us with his willingness to jump right into everything. He was so ready. His family was sealed together February of last year, and he is now serving a mission in Colorado. He wrote me a few weeks ago to thank me for teaching his family; it has been 2 years since their baptism. I am so grateful for wonderful families like them.

Sister Wilson and I had so many good times in Selma, and formed friendships there that will always be special to me. We only were able to serve together for 6 weeks - we still wish we had more time together. That was the peak of my mission.

Today, Amanda and I are still very close, and she is one of my best friends. She is awesome and I love her. Thanks for being you, MEC4E! :)

That is the short version, but if any of you want to learn more about Amanda, let me know. She is one person worth getting to know.


Heather said...

I could not agree more- Amanda is a great gal and is so cute and sweet. I am still amazed at how sweet and good she is to my kids, you would think she was their Aunt or something. She is worth getting to know. Thanks for sharing Heidi shnidy sna la la :)

amanda said...

oh...cute! that was really nice. i was teasing, but that ode to me was...very sweet. i appreciate it. it's the greatest valentine's gift i could ever get from my eternal companion but who also has another eternal companion. you are the greatest! i've missed you a lot lately...i'd love to see you. oh...and heather's kids are REALLY easy to be nice to...they're so cute. and...i love your family. and...i am also REALLY grateful we were companions. it's too bad you didn't include some of the other details like...actually, you know so i won't remind you. :) love ya! all i want for valentine's is you! :) ha ha...

Dubb Days said...
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Dubb Days said...

Oh Amanda. I do miss the donut nights. We really need to have another one. Next time you are both in Florida at the same time. Done. thought maybe we should plan it when I am out there next. That might make it sooner! I hope she is still willing to fill in for me during family functions!
love ya

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Amanda from the Snake!

Yes we know Amanda. She is really quite something. It is also something that a complete shrine/blog be devoted to her. Amanda, you must really be ... something! :)

Matt from the Snake