
Five Things... Another tag

Five things on my to do list:
1. Register for fall semester
2. Find board shorts that go down to my knees.... anyone know where I can find any?
3. Get through the work day
4. Put away clothes... the worst part of doing laundry!
5. Return a dress to Costco... sadly. It is so cute!

Five things I probably won't wear again (I say probably because there is always 
Halloween or 80's day that just might require I break some stuff out):
1. Stirrup pants
2. A scrunchie
3. Short-alls... cute for kids, but shouldn't be made for adults
4. Pleated pants
5. A football jersey

Five things I do for fun or to relax:
1. Shoe shopping, or shopping in general
2. Be with my family
3. Discover new restaurants with Chris/Go on dates
4. Get a pedicure
5. Read

Five things I love about my husband:
1. His curly hair
2. How much he appreciates me
3. How patient he is with me and my moods
4. His spirituality
5. His strength and energy... mountain biking, running, hiking, sports, etc.

Five things I like to cook:
1. Spaetzle - German dish
2. Anything in a crockpot!
3. Cookies... I guess that would be baking
4. Any type of casserole
5. Taco soup

Five things I rely on:
1. Chris
2. The Lord
3. My family
4. Vacations... they give me something to look forward to!
5. My friends
6. Food :)

If you are up for it, I tag Laura and Andrea!


Carly said...

we'll be down this weekend. we should play!

Laura said...

Sorry to have missed you the other night! I love your answers- you are awesome. Pac Sun has a bunch of board shorts. And awesome, now I will have a post for Monday!

Dubb Days said...

What the heck is that German Dish? Oh and have you not learned how to make meat pie? I enjoyed your answers and hope that pleated pants and stirrups come back some day. Oh and thank you for not tagging me:)

Katy and Rob Bodily said...

Heidi, I am utterly offended that you don't ever want to wear stirrup pant and scrunchies again because that is what I happen to be wearing today!!! J/K.
Anyway, to answer the ? you left on my blog, my baby is Due July 29. And save the date for June 14, because that is the day I am having my baby shower.