
Weekend Adventure

On Friday night we headed out to FastKart for my brother-in-law Geoff's birthday get-together. Though I finished last (I was doing well until being bumped several times out of the way), it was great fun. It is slightly overpriced in my opinion, but it's fun for a once-in-a-while activity. 
We went to Cold Stone afterwards. I love that it's warming up enough for ice cream!

That night we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. Anyone else think it was super cheesey? I was really disappointed. I thought the singing was cute and it had some good one-liners, but I was unhappy with it.

The next morning we got to watch my niece Daytona. She is so funny and I can't get over how cute she is! We played for a little while before I had to go to my violin lesson, and Chris took over. 

After the lesson I was anxious to get home to see and play with her. I walked in the door, and this is what I saw. 
It was so sweet. Chris explained how he sang her to sleep, and he was beaming. "I've never done that before," he told me. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

When she woke up, we took her outside. Our pool was just uncovered, and they were getting it ready for the summer. It looked yucky.

Nevertheless, Daytona wanted in. She would grab the fence and shake it, and look at us, then look at the water. She was too funny.

After TJ and Dixie came to pick her up (we only had the privilege of watching her for about four hours), we ran some errands and then went to Chris's brother William's  Rugby game. I had never been to a game before; it was a lot of fun to watch! He's just a little guy (15), but he gets right in with the rest of them and plays hard! It was awesome. They won 55 to zero!

That night we hung out with our friends Katie and Chris. We decided that since it was such a nice day, we'd get Cafe Rio and take it up to Silver Lake..... we seemed to have forgotten that we are in Utah, and it's only May. These were our findings:

And walls of snow.
Perfect way to ruin our fun of enjoying the 
weather... but not for long. 

We decided to drive down the canyon and look for a picnic area where we could sit and eat. However, we did not remember having to pay SIX DOLLARS for a spot. ??? By this time, we were very hungry (not to mention the fact that Katie is prego - so if we were hungry, double it for her). We found a place on the side of the canyon road, looked in the trunk of their car, and found some camping mats and towels. Perfect! We plopped ourselves down and had a wonderful meal, and there was no snow to be seen. 

Katie and Chris are moving to Philadelphia in July. We became great friends when I worked with her at 3form (we got through it together), and I am so glad that we have kept in touch. She's so fun and I love her. We will miss them! Luckily it's only for two years! We went to the park after that and just sat out and enjoyed the weather. I am loving it - except for the fact that it seems to have jumped right into summer, and skipped spring all together. Why can't we have some normal weather around here?!

It was a fun weekend. On Sunday we ate at my parent's house; my mom is leaving to go to Florida for a month to be with my sister Holly, who is due with her 2nd child any day now. Did I mention I am jealous?

My sister decided to put some olives on my nephew Lance's fingers, who thought it was the funniest thing. He's so funny!


Heather said...

It was actually Chris who put the olives on his fingers- and it was funny. Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend. I miss those times when we could just take off and do whatever and spend whatever $ without worrying about diapers..clothing..etc..
Enjoy it while it lasts!

mead family said...

You guys always have such busy and fun weekends. I would love that. I haven't seen Alvin and the Chipmunks mostly because I can't stand their voices, so I probably won't ever see it. You guys are so cute.

Dubb Days said...

Once again, a fun weekend for the Lewis couple! I am glad you guys do so much when you can, it makes life fun and just brings you closer. I wish I could watch Daytona for 4 hours! Good thinking on the Silver Lake thing. Try it in about 3 months:) I would totally eat on the side of the road than pay 6 dollars!

Karson and Kami said...

lol wow! You look SOOO small next to her! She must be realy tall!

I *HATE* how I can't click on your pictures to enlarge them. They are so small that I can't even see any details!

That picture with Chris and Daytona is SOOO sweet! He is going to be such a good daddy! :)

Heidi said...

Kami - do you know how I can change it so you can click on the pictures to enlarge them?

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Laura said...

You always have the best weekends packed with fun! Our team at work went to FastKart last summer, I loved it! Ah so cute- Chris will be such a great daddy!

amy. said...

That sounds like a great weekend. So, looking at everyone else's blogs and seeing all the mother's to be, is this something you will be keeping up with? Chris seems like an awesome husband, I'm so happy for you. Yeay! PS.. you are looking great!