
The Celebration Continues...

In the words of my friend Breana, "I wanna give a shout out to all my nice peeps out there..." (yes, she actually said this on the corner of a busy street in LA as she was overwhelmed with how nice everyone was to three sheltered white girls in down town LA.)

Everyone has been so good to me. Thank you! 
I have the greatest friends and family in the world. 
I couldn't ask for anything more.

Monday was my actual birthday. 
That morning I opened a gift from my good friend Katie, 
living in Philly, who so graciously sent me an apron she made! 
It was so sweet - this picture is for you, Katie! I love it!

I worked Monday, but my mom, Aunt Lorie and my niece 
Cessna came to take me to lunch. We went to the Beehive tearoom. 
It's a quaint little place on 3rd south and Main; it's a bit pricey, but the 
atmosphere is really cool. There are small tables and couches 
and cool chairs to sit in. It would be a great place for a book club. 
Anyone interested in starting one, let me know.

Me and Cessna

With my mom

With Aunt Lorie

When I got back, flowers were delivered from my sweet, sweet husband. 
I love that he does this every year. He is so good to me and I am 
grateful for him every day of  my life.

That night I went to school and went to bed early. There's just something about getting older and being responsible or something... I don't know. But there wasn't much of a celebration. (So much for seizing the day, huh?) Although, Chris did make me dinner. That was definitely the highlight of the evening, even if it was cheese quesadillas. :)

On Tuesday night, we went to Ruby River Steakhouse with my parents, Heather and Jeff, and my brother TJ and his wife Dixie. As always, it was excellent. Filet Mignon... mmmm....

Afterwards, we went to my in-laws where I was given my finished quilt! For those of you who aren't familiar with that project, this summer I decided, finally, to quilt my mission skirts and shirts together. For those of you who didn't read it, and care to, click here.

My mother-in-law's creatively genius skills made it all possible.
I love it!

Yesterday, we went to our friends' Nick and Danielle's house. Danielle's birthday and mine are just a week apart,  so we decided to celebrate together. She made dinner (which was super yummy - thanks again, especially for the breadsticks. Mm mmm mmm!), and I made the cake.. which was extra special because the frosting tore the top of that sucker right off, which left us with chocolate sprinkles in the frosting... 
but it still tasted good.

Here are the boys lighting the candles - Danielle will be 23 and I'm 25, so we compromised and put 24 candles on the cake. 24 happened to be all we had, so it worked out nicely. :)

Blowing out the candles...

Happy Birthday to us!
After dinner we enjoyed this week's Office and Son of Rambow. 

Loved it. Highly recommended.
Other than a bit of swearing (by the kids themselves), 
it's clean and family-friendly.


BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Heidi! I think you are getting cuter and cuter the older you get!

Heather said...

That Tea room does sound so much fun, and Cessna can't stop talking about it! Love the photos!

mead family said...

I love the quilt, it turned out so good! If you are really going to do a book club you can count me in! I think that would be fun. That is so nice that Chris sends you flowers every year. What a good husband!

Nick & Danielle said...

Happy Birthday to US!!!!!!! I love it! And that quilt is really amazing!! Happy birthday!

Dubb Days said...

When did you start using the word quaint? Well, the quilt is great and glad you had a great b-day. Sorry I wasn't there to give you a big hug! I will give a lot in 3 1/2 weeks just to make up for it:)
love you!
Oh and my good friend Trena's baby was norn on your birthday so I will let her know she is taking after a wonderful woman!!

The Lee Adventure said...

I am so glad you had a great birthday! It sounds like it was full of family, friends, and good times!:) If you put a book club together I am totally down, let me know!

Karson and Kami said...

Well, Happy LATE Birthday. I talked to Lorie while you guys were out to lunch and told her to tell you for me, but I don't know if she did! Looks like you've been having some fun lately,

I know what you mean about getting older. Birthdays just aren't as fun as they used to be!!

Unknown said...

Happy BIRTHDAY!!! You're awesome! BTW dinner was D-LISH!!

Paige said...

Cool quilt, that is awesome it's finally done! I could never do something like that - my machine is broken as we speak & I want to make the kids quilts for Christmas - we will see how that goes.

Happy birthday again! I am so sorry we missed it! I am so far behind on everyone's blogs, it's not even funny. Who knows if you will ever even see these comments?!