
Makes You Think

I just love this picture.

I'm so grateful for those who have given their lives for our country. 
For the freedoms we have, for the lives we are able to live, and for this 
country that was founded on those freedoms. 
I am a bit worried about what this upcoming election will bring... 
but I am grateful that we have the power to choose. Please, do your duty. Vote.


Carly said...

We went today and voted early. I could not believe how many people were there already!

Heather said...

It is an awesome reminder what a great photo. We voted early too- I did not know if Jeff would be here in the 4th so we took turns watching the kids and voted :)

Jeanette said...

I don't know where I go to vote! It is so frustrating. I know I am registered, though.

Jenny said...

Amen...I love that picture. I'm glad that we have the freedom to vote. I'm scared too for what our country is in store for. At least you can always depend on the Sperry's!!!! We'll always be your best friends!