
Indoor Palm

My parents just got back from Florida, where my sister lives. Of course, they can't seem to go anywhere without bringing us back a souvenir. We are always grateful, but it's normally a trinket of some sort that we don't have room for, or something to that effect. This time they brought back an indoor palm tree!

It came in a small box, and in a few weeks, it is supposed to grow... and grow... as much as up to five feet! I'm pretty excited to see if we can actually get a plant to grow...


Dubb Days said...

I didn't know they bought that! What a funny present. Of course I am sure it was mom's idea and she probably thinks it is the coolest thing.

Heidi said...

It is cool!

Heather said...

They like you the most.

Heather said...

Well they did not get me anything!
They did give the kids pens though :)

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Good luck! Having a palm tree in January, that would be awesome!