

I think there's nothing better than just hanging out and playing games.

Friday night we went to the Johnson family's house in our ward.

Andrea, Jake and Abby

Bill (I call him "Willy" because it bugs him) and little Sophie

We taught Abby and Jake in Primary last year. 
I'm glad we're able to still have fun with these crazy kids.

On Saturday we rocked out at Lorin and Paige's house as they broke in their new Rock Band with their favorite karaoke friends. :)

Chris, Paige and myself.... concentrating very hard...

Lorin is trying extra hard to get that perfect streak of notes on the guitar

The drums are pretty tough. Paige was awesome.

Chris was just really into the song.

I think the star of the show was Polly. She went from instrument to instrument, deciding which to play, and finally decided on the drums. She didn't know they were turned off.

Then we played Friends Scene It - boys against girls (I wonder who won), and then couples. It was a tough fight - but Lorin and Paige barely won that one. This is the game board when Paige and I won... the boys were left in the dust, only 5 spaces away from the start. It really wasn't a fair game at all.


Nick & Danielle said...

Aren't you glad we couldn't do our thing on Friday...you wouldn't have been able to go to the Johnson's house. So, you are welcome! I'm thinking this weekend might be a prime time to get together. What do ya think?

Paige said...

Busy weekend! It was lots of fun breaking out Rock Band - Polly & I played just the 2 of us for an hour or so this morning...maybe one reason I wasn't very productive :) It was fun though. We will have to do it again - Rock Band & then wind things down with some Scene It?!

Karson and Kami said...

looks like fun :) Love the one of Chris singing hehe.

Heather said...

Sounds like fun- nice of you to mention spending time with your sister and how she made some rockin' Chili. Oh yeah you didn't...

Dubb Days said...

So you guys ever just chill at home with each other. Don't take that wrong--I think it is great how much you guys do and that you hang out with so many people--just wonderin'

Jeff and Emily said...

So this may seem a little crazy, but I think your friends Paige and Lorin are in our ward.....I can't tell for sure because those photos aren't like straight on face shots, but I'm pretty sure. Hmmm randomness from the blogging world:)

Katie said...

Geez..you guys always have something on the agenda! I wish I had that much time to play lol! Looks like fun...the picture of Chris singing is classic!

Beth said...

I think your right. I love playing games with friends. Rock band is awsome. come play games with us sometime!

Calli Hayman said...

Um how funny! Your friends are totally in our ward!! Paige and her hubby and their CUTE little girl (and now little guy too) we always sit behind them in sacrement because she is SO entertaining!! :o) so if you were at their house you were right by our house!! I think he was even Mike's home teacher for a little while!! But YES lets plan a dinner and we could even follow it up with Guitar Hero (or Rock Band- cuz we are pretty gnarly at it) or board games! You and your hubby should seriously come play with us because me and em are ALWAYS looking for other couples to come to dinner or play games!! Yay!!

Katie M. said...

Polly has grown up so much. Remember Lorin saying one time how she used to run through the grass with her arms in the air, making ape like noises? Am I making this up? I recall some sort of description like that. Anyhow, she's a darling, funny little girl!
