

For work, I am an administrative assistant to the owner of a graphic design studio. We work on movies, mostly, designing logos and character art and such. I look at logos all day every day, and I actually don't care for them. Not that the work the designers do isn't good, I guess I just don't have that "creative eye" for art? Whatever it is, sometimes I get tired of looking at something when I'm asked my opinion - most of the time, it's completely opposite of what the person asking "sees" in the work they are doing. They are very talented at what they do and I feel like I'm just not the right person to ask when it comes to that kind of work.

My boss is a member of the Stake Presidency. It is nice to share common beliefs with your boss. I find myself talking to him, even asking advice at times on things. Not anything personal, but it's nice to talk to someone of a little bit of authority when it comes to church-related topics that I think about. He also asks me to work on things for upcoming events for his stake. If he's got a talk coming up, he asks me to help him research the topic. More than once, it's happened to be what I need at that moment in my life - whether it be about marriage, families, friends, the scriptures - I find myself feeling the spirit as I'm working, and I enjoy that feeling.

My latest project has been to look at logos... not work related, but logos for something he has coming up, the topic being about symbols. Symbols that represent us - as the world, as individuals and as us who are members of the church.

As I was researching logos such as Abercrombie, Nordstrom, ESPN, NFL, X-Box, Nike, Addidas, Apple, Prada, Calvin Klein and many others, I tried to think of what kind of symbols or logos represent me? I admit that I was into brand names when I was younger (who didn't want a pair of lucky's?), but this "project" gave me a chance to put some thought into what I'm about now.

It's difficult to sum up what my life is made of with just a few things, but here are some symbols/images of things that make me who I am.

I love to read.... and have found a new love and appreciation for libraries.
I love to dance. I no longer dance professionally, but I love to mess around. 
And I LOVE watching it.

I think violins are beautiful, as well as the sounds that come from them. I am learning (once more) to play this wonderful instrument. I'll admit that I'm not the best when it comes to practicing, but I do love to play.

I love tulips. Any color.

I am grateful for prayer and I feel closer to my Heavenly Father on my knees than anywhere else.

I love to sleep. And I sleep in this position a lot, actually (not by choice).

My friends mean the world to me - and I am so lucky to have so many.

The temple is the most holy place I have ever been. On several occasions my eyes have filled with tears as I have walked through the doors of this holy house and I've felt at home.

My family means more to me than anything, especially my husband Chris. 

He can make me laugh like no one else.

He shares my love to travel, and we share the same favorite place of Lake Powell.
We laugh with each other, cry together and support each other through everything. I would be lost without him.

I love my life. It's simple, but it's fun - and I love what it brings from day to day. I know that I am incredibly blessed and I love being me.

What symbols represent you?


Dubb Days said...

wow, a little too deep for me--I going to go back to deep thoughts. Just Kidding. It was a nice post to read and I think it is great that you love who you are, and you should because I love who you are too:)
I can always tell when you aren't busy at work--more posts, which I love. I love the symbols and actually think I would have some of the same even though we are two different people.
Oh and love the stick figure joke.

Carly said...

Seriously, Heid, I love you dearly, and this post is one of those reasons.

Laura said...

Oh Heidi- you are seriously so awesome!! That was a really cool, cool post. Thanks!!

Nick & Danielle said...

That was neat to see you in pictures! Looks like you have a "pocket full of sunshine"!! and Tuna in Pill!

Heather said...

I might have to think about this one and actually do it- only because it was something you came up with on your own- not something circulated by the Masses!
I Love you- and all your symbols :)

Jacci said...

I didnt know you danced! that is awesome! sorry about last night. sophie was having a major melt down! see you tomorrow!

Keersten said...

Seriously, you are just too cute! What a clever way to sum up!