

I documented this as the year on the back of the little beauty below, after creatively naming it "Hot Guys." Above that, of course, was my name (as if someone else could come up with something so cool).

I came across this bit of treasure when going through some obviously old things last night. You can't really tell that I lovingly put all of the names of N'Sync by their heads, but that's not important. What is important is that Ricky Martin, Brendan Frasier and Adam Sandler, of all people, made the list. 



VTS said...

Freddie Prinze Jr?!?! HAHAHAHA! I have some equally embarrassing collages pasted in my old journals. Oh man, I get such a kick out of it!

Carly said...

Oh, Heidi. You are a brave, brave girl to post such things. I remember those days, but Adam Sandler, really?

Heather said...

Well at least you married someone who likes pudding snacks just as much as good old Billy Madison aka Adam!

Jeff and Emily said...

Best Collage Ever!!!! I loved Freddie Prince.

Anonymous said...

LOL Love it. Adam Sandler NOT cute or Adam Sandler. I think Ricky Martin is still cute.

mead family said...

That is so funny! The things we used to do when we were younger...LOL! I'm sure I have some similar things lying around:)

The Lloyd's said...

you should see the inside of my toy box back home...it has pictures of paul walker and freddie prinze and all sorts of random guys. haha, too funny!

Unknown said...

the collage is classic - but your description, hysterical! so awesome

Jacci said...

I am laughing right now! I think I had a poster that was almost identical to that! minus Adam Sandler and Brendan Frasier!

Jeanette said...

Oh I went through a Freddie Prince Jr. phase too! This is great.

Karson and Kami said...

lmao wow, you had some really BAD taste! However, I did used to have a crush on Freddie Prince Jr. too.