
Goodbye, Friend

This is my cousin Jessica.I share many inside jokes with this young lady - one of which involves the items you see above... which explains why we are holding TV dinners (which, by the way, are nothing like they are pictured) and a $5 movie from Wal-Mart.

While I still haven't figured out why, she and her best friend Jeanette (who I also consider as part of my family) looked at me like I was their idol while growing up. While I was in high school and before my mission, I was a little unnerved at times by the way they wanted to be a part of my life, it seemed, in every way - including copying my handwriting and growing out their hair like mine. But, most of the time, it pushed me to want to be better. If I was being watched closely by someone who was around me as often as they were, I realized the way I presented myself needed to be better - in action, word and deed... which I'm not sure I accomplished.

Since returning from my mission, and in recent years, somehow the line between being just a cousin and a friend was crossed, and we've grown close. She is someone I always laugh with, talk to about anything, and because she lived with my parents while her husband was away with the Air Force, saw a lot.

Her husband is now stationed in Georgia, and they left last month to begin the next chapter of their lives. I'm so excited for her, and for the adventures that lay ahead!

You rock, Jessica. Thanks for staying positive and being someone I can look up to. You are missed, and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!


Heather said...

Hwa ha ha ha! This picture is priceless!!
Very sweet post :)

Aunt Lorie said...

I am so glad Jessica will be coming out for the wedding soon! Another sweet tribute Heidi! I need to ask Jessica to start posting on her blog. Last time I checked it had not been updated for a long time!

Jessi Gogan said...

AW MAN! Heidi this is so sweet of you , I feel bad that I haven't seen it until now. You know how bad I am at updating my blog. I'm trying to work on that. I love you so much. I'm glad I was able to be around you as much as I was. You've taught me so many great things. You really have. Thank you .