
The Hamilton Twins

Meet Elaine and Ellen.Lovers of ALL things. Especially babies.

When Chris and I moved into the Kenwood 2nd ward here in Millcreek, we knew practically no one. We began attending church when Jack was four months old (for NICU reasons), and among our first friends (the very first were those I met in the mother's lounge) were these sweet sisters.

I've never met anyone quite like these unique women. Along with being some of the most thoughtful, caring, loving people I know (and possibly in the world), they are proud. They know they are special, and they embrace their differences, letting nothing stop them from achieving anything they set their minds to (they have won gold medals in special olympic events). After thanking you for a compliment you've given them (and sometimes instead), they will say, "I know. " Or, "Yep." They love their family, their friends, and anyone who has spent more than two minutes with them are changed forever.

They are, first and foremost, OBSESSED with babies. Ellen is constantly asking me for baby magazines - they like to cut the babies out and put them on display - and when she dropped by for a visit one day, she asked for copies of all the pictures of Jack that I have on my wall.

It doesn't take long for the Hamilton twins to gravitate toward you when you have a baby in your arms... and, just as your life will change while spending time with them, your children will never be the same, either. They are amazing with them. Being unsure myself about their capabilities, all of my uncertainty quickly came to an end the minute Jack was placed into their arms. I watched in awe as their handicaps seem to all but disappear while playing with him, or rocking him to sleep (Ellen's awesome skills in this area has helping me out in Relief Society many times).

Jack and Ellen. I love the expression on her face.

Elaine with Jack

Because of their love for babies, and knowing their birthday was coming up (which they reminded me of several times), I wanted to do something special that had to do with their favorite thing in the world. In brainstorming a little with a friend in the ward, we decided to gather up photos of babies in the ward and put them together in some way for them to enjoy often. We put together a photo garland for each of them (they always must have two of each picture), and delivered it to them tonight.

Elaine was outside, just watching - waiting, I believe, for people to come. They expect visitors on their birthday, so they make it a point to stay home. When asking what they've been doing today, she replied, "Just waiting for people to come." They showed us, with pride, their gifts from visitors earlier today - including new pillow pets and blankets, and their new jewelry-making kits (another thing they love).

The look on each of their faces was not one I will soon forget when they opened our gifts.
Even in seeing the first picture, they were in awe. They looked at each picture one by one as if it was gold - and to them, it might as well be. Everything, to them, is special.

Among the countless lessons I have learned from these women, the most important are to enjoy a good hug - something they love to give. And, to tell those you love what they mean to you.

If there's one thing they love (aside from babies), it's to tell you how much they love you.
This was a conversation I had with Ellen tonight.
Ellen: (While holding me in a huge hug) "You know I love you so much?"
Me: "I do. Do you know I love you too?"
Ellen: "Yep. I love you forever, forever, forever, forever. I got you and you got me."

One thing is for sure. I definitely can't imagine not having either of them. Happy birthday Ellen and Elaine. I love you.


Andrea Harper said...

Is it weird that I got sorta teary reading this? What cute ladies! I just feel like you are such a great person :) AND that you get more and more gorgeous every time I see you (even if it IS mostly on facebook and blogger...haha) Anywho, awesome post, loved it!

Dubb Days said...

I got teared up reading this too! How wonderful of you to make them something so special for their birthdays. What wonderful woman to have in your lifes!

Ann and Bryndon said...

I like this. :) They seem like great ladies. And you're great too! I'm excited to go to the musical with you this Thursday! I have our tickets printed!

Heather said...

So Sweet!!

Laura said...

This choked me up too. Such a sweet post, and E&E sound like fabulous women! You are such a sweetie to think of them and to make their day extra special!! Beautiful picture of the three of you!

Aunt Lorie said...

What a sweet tribute Heidi. So thoughtful of you. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. What a great reminder of the special gifts that God gives the people we are surrounded by.