

As a mother of a one-year-old, I can't say my little one does everything we ask. It's quite the opposite, actually - whenever asked to say "mom," he replies with "dad." So it goes with most everything we ask him to do or not to do. This kid loves to push our buttons.

This Mother's Day morning, Chris got Jack out of bed and got his breakfast ready. He worked with Jack on the word "mom" (without much success), and let me get as much sleep as I could (though most of what I got was a healthy dose of Jack's voice getting excited over his yogurt).

When the two of them came to get me for the waffles Chris made for me (my favorite), he plopped Jack down on the bed and the I got the sweetest grin as my little boy sat still and looked at me for a moment (which is a miracle in itself). Then, when prompted to do so by his dad, he looked me in the eyes and said the sweetest word I've yet heard him utter. "Mom."

He was clearly satisfied with himself, as he gave me another big grin before getting smothered in my arms. It was possibly my favorite moment of my 15 months of motherhood - the memory of which I will forever have in my mind.

Thank you, Jack, for making me smile every day. I love being your mom.


Ann and Bryndon said...

Oh yay for Jack!! That is so sweet. Of course that was the perfect day and perfect way to say that word. :) We need to get together again soon!

Dubb Days said...

oh my oh my oh I want to see him say it! So glad you had this moment on your mom day!

Heather said...

Aww. That made me cry. You painted the perfect picture too. Thank you for sharing that memory with us :)

Laura said...

Happy Mothers Day, belated!! What a little sweetie and just in time for Mothers Day!!

Karson and Kami said...

Awww, that is SO sweet!!! What a great Mother's day present! I cannot wait to experience all of these milestones with our little girl. I'm so excited to be a mommy!