
The Snake!

Last weekend was our annual Snake River trip. Because I can't say it as well as our great friend and guide, Matt Baker, he said (quote from his blog) "We usually run the Snake and 4000 CFS (cubic feet per second) and when we arrived, it was raging at 21,300. The trip usually takes us about 21/2 to 3 hours. This year, 70 minutes." (Thank you, Matt.)

Let me translate. It was five times as fast, at least 3 times as high, and probably twice as cold. Not to mention the fact that it is July, and there is still snow run off! We had a great time. Here are some highlights and fun pictures:

The raging river
Some of the boys in action during lunch counter, the class four rapid this year (five huge hits)
Almost hidden behind the first hit
Paddling through...
One of the most fun parts about the river, and one of the scariest, is the fact that you can't control what the river does. You can try to work your way through the waves, controlling the boat in the direction you want it to go (thanks again Matt, for being a great guide as always), but once you hit those rapids, you are just along for the ride. Below is an example. 
Celebrating after great hits on lunch counter
Watching the rapids from lunch counter - notice the beautiful scenery. I love it up there!
(left to right: Zee, Me, Dad, Daytona and April)
Me and Chris back at camp
Daytona stuffing her face with a marshmallow
Chris and Daytona
Cam and April (friends of ours that we drove up with) in Jackson Hole
Chris and I under the famous antler arches in Jackson
Anyone who knows my mom knows that she is in shape. She has, in fact, done push-ups and sit-ups EVERY DAY since I believe she was 12 years old. She's very tone, and she's not afraid to show it. For example, she loves competing in competitions. In this case, push-up contests. She challenged our friend Cam to a push-up contest.... and she lost.... but only by eight. She wasn't too happy about it.
Here's Cam. He got 71.
And here is my mom... oh yes, they are guy push-ups. She is anything but a wimp (when it comes to most things, but most of all when it comes to push-ups). She worked up a sweat and managed 63 push-ups. I've seen her do more, but I'm always impressed. I can maybe do 20 girl push-ups in a row on a good day. I'm 25. This woman is 48. She's my hero :)
Cam and April sitting at the campfire
Me with my parents
We had a blast this trip. I always wish we had more time at the river. Not only are the rapids great, but camping is always fun, especially with my parents. I couldn't ask for better. Love you, mom and dad!

Thanks again Matt, for a great trip. Yes, we liked the campground better this year, and we should never come without those outhouses again. It was perfect!


Matt Baker said...

Great Recap!

Hey, please upload those pics to the PIC/VIDEO swap site. Let me know if you need some help! Especially the rafting pics.

Anonymous said...

I love the pics sis!! Looks like you guys had so much fun:) I never knew this was an annual thing.

Heather said...

Again...wish I was there- maybe next year. There always seems to be too many things going in July and we cannot do it all.
It would have been better with me there, but I am glad it was so fun!

Laura said...

FUN! I'm so jealous. What an amazing trip with a billion awesome memories. Glad you had the best time.

The Lloyd's said...

jason went this weekend too! we were in Jackson at the same time. how funny! It looks cold!

And yes--we so need to have a finale party. I love it!

mead family said...

I've been rafting on the Snake River once. It was awesome. I'm glad you had such a good time.

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

Soooo fun! Same time, same place next year. See you there!