
Friday Night

Again, I am sorry for the long post. I just have so many pictures that are too fun not to share. But, if you guys are still reading my blog even with the long posts, I figure why stop now?

Halloween parties are a lot of fun, but they also take a lot of effort on your part, 
whether you are throwing the party or just dressing up. 
This party, in particular, was more than just dressing up. For everyone involved.

It was my cousin Karson's party. He and his wife Kami went all out! 
They put a lot of thought into it and it was so much fun.

Before heading out to their house for the party, 
Chris had to get his hair done.
Thanks Talisia for your help. You're awesome.

Chris showing her the picture of what Billy Ray Cyrus looks like now

He makes a good Billy Ray, don'tcha think?

And yep, you guessed it. I was Hannah Montana.
Chris is trying to "be cool" in this picture, but it looks more like he's angry. 

How can he be angry when he has a daughter like this? :)
Ha ha. Sick.

We had fun.

Karson was Captain Jack Sparrow

My cousin Julie and her husband Ben. His ninja costume was sweet - 
he deserved the award he earned for best costume.

Karson and Kami as
Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan

The group at dinner

After dinner, we were escorted downstairs where we were explained 
what would happen next. We were to do a scavenger hunt.

Karson explaining the rules
We were to split up into teams, head to Walmart, 
and do a number of crazy things, including:

Getting a business card from a random stranger

Getting a piggy back ride from a random stranger

Getting a stranger to push someone in your team down an aisle in a cart

Giving random strangers high-fives, and with each slap saying a different
 word from the 80's, such as "Awesome," "Tubular" or "Cowabunga"

Getting some strangers to sing a song with you

Getting someone to give you a quarter to pay 
for your pony ride in the game room

Take a picture with bikes (we were supposed to be on them, but we 
figured as long as we were touching them we were, technically, on them)

Did you notice how everything had to do with strangers
And we had to take pictures of all of it. Our team lost, but we still had a blast.

Afterwards, we came back to the house. Each team picked two pumpkins, and were in charge of reinforcing the pumpkins with whatever random things we picked up during the scavenger hunt. It either helped us or hurt us, depending on what we happened to pick out - because these pumpkins were being dropped off the roof.

Working on the pumpkins....

The two teams and their creations

The boys on top of the roof

Some pumpkins worked out.

Others did not.
It was a fun game. We had a fun night.
Thanks again, Kami and Karson. We'll be there next year!


Heather said...

FUN- I did not mean you don't get to have any fun! It is just a challenge finding a sitter this time of year, and if there is an Adult party you are SOL!
Looks like you guys had fun- I hope we can come next year, and I can't wait to see the Professional photos :)

Katie M. said...

wow. that IS quite the party young lady. A few thoughts on this long post:

a). Chris's hair is awesome
b). He DOES look freakishly like Billy Ray with his blown dry 'do
c). Where did you get hooked up with that wicked blond wig?
d). I am jealous such a cool Halloween party was thrown. I've been pondering all month of a dream Halloween party I want to throw- probably won't work out this year though:)
e). You look good as a blond, but I like you better as a dark brunettish babe
f). thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Love you too!

Stay in touch stranger girl.

your favorite twiner friend

Dubb Days said...

that is awesome--looks way fun!!That is cool Karson and Kami planned such fun stuff. You guys look great in your costumes. Love the wig heiders!

The Jensen's said...

I can't even breathe! I love your costumes so much! Chris does look freakishly like Billy Ray!! Missing you guys and sad we missed you when you passed through St. George! Thanks for the call the other night too!

Karson and Kami said...

Yay! I have been waiting for you to post your photos from your teams hunt! Would you please email me all of them? Since Karson was on your team, he'd like to have them as well.

I'm so glad you guys came and that we all had such a fun time!

I think it's HILARIOUS that T-lee got in the cart with that ladies stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your guys' costumes. I like your blond wig he he

mead family said...

That looks like so much fun! All of your costumes are great!

Unknown said...

how fun!! way to spruce up halloween!!

BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

You guys are too cute! Love the costumes!

Linds Forrest said...

You look SO awesome Hannah Montan!!