
Lucky Me!

So our realtor Clay Winder had this awesome contest to promote his website, www.theredsign.net. (P.S. if any of you are looking for a realtor, look him up. He's nothing short of fantastic, and he's become a great friend.)

Yesterday I received a call from Clay telling me I was the winner of this contest. The prize?

A new iPod Touch!

Me and Clay

Isn't it pretty?

This thing does everything - you can cruise the web, watch YouTube videos, check the weather, get directions, check your email, watch movies, play games, and of course, listen to music! There's and address book, a calendar, a clock, a notepad... to name a few features. Turn it sideways and it flips the screen so you can view things more easily. It's sure fun to play with.

Check out theredsign.net. In addition to being an awesome company, you may end up with a cool gadget to play with one day. :)


mead family said...

That's an awesome prize! You are lucky!

Jenny said...

You are so freakin lucky!!! I'm excited to play with it!

Dubb Days said...

What the? If you are doing a contest for people to win your old ipodf, let me know!!

Gary said...

Congratulations once again Heidi! It was so fun to give that away!

-Gary Fullmer & TheRedSign.net Team

Katy and Rob Bodily said...

Cool prize. You have a realtor?? Are you looking to buy a house? Also, happy birthday. It sounds like you had a great time!

Karson and Kami said...

Yay!! Congrats on that. Okay, so now a question - is that your house in the pictures? Because it looks like you got ALL new furniture...IKEA? Anyway, I love it!!

Unknown said...

Holy Crap!! That IS lucky! you must be livin right :D

Orton Gang said...

IPOd?? I did not know about that. Awesome!!