
Late Night Sewing Madness

I've been learning how to sew. And though I just started, I've been loving it. I love seeing a pattern and trying putting it together... no matter how many times I may screw up, have to pick out that darn stitch and start over. I still can't read a pattern that well. They assume that you have basic knowledge before beginning to sew. Most of us do not.

Perhaps I should get this book? I think I need it.

Last month Tara, Jacci and I made check covers. Simple project. We thought we'd do something with a pattern this time around. I found a cute hand bag pattern, so we decided to do it.

We started a little later, due to prior obligations (I was supposed to go to a baby shower but the girl had her baby instead), so we began the project around 2:00. I have to thank Tara (yet again), for her undeviating patience and willingness to be our mentor and coach - since none of us knew what we were doing... and we really didn't (the sad thing was that as the project went on, I was hardly able to pay attention so I could make another one sometime). Since there were three of us ametures and only one Tara, she was torn between all of us (her sister-in-law Jenny came too) relentlessly asking, "what's next?" or "now what?"

Tara had this gorgeous design she pieced together on the front of her bag - which gave Jacci and I the idea of making our own design, too. Though it really makes the bag, I may not have taken as long if I hadn't done it. I think it took up the bulk of my time.

When 6:00 rolled around, we weren't even close to being done. I believe it was Tara who said, "It's a bummer we won't get to finish these." It was then that Jacci piped up and said, "wait... why aren't we finishing?" Tara: "It's almost 6:00, and Ryan will be home soon." Jacci willingly volunteered her house (luckily they live just across the walkway from each other in their complex), and we all decided that we better not leave it unfinished. We also realized that our schedules wouldn't have allowed us to get together again until next month. We took a break for dinner, and switched houses. We headed over to Jacci's... and there we stayed.

Before we knew it, it was 10:00. Not done. I think the brownies Jacci made pulled us through... as it turned out, we needed them. Midnight rolled around... still working. 1:00 came and went... 2:00 (which magically turned into 3:00 with daylight savings) came and went...

4:00... almost done... I think it was about 4:20 when I finally finished (yes, I was the last one. Jacci had finished about a half hour/hour before me). Tara was there until about 3:45 or 4:00. I think we each took turns saying something rather unsophisticated, but I suppose there weren't 5 minutes that went by that didn't have us in stitches from one of those unsophisticated statements. Interesting how things always seem to be funnier after midnight, isn't it? Thanks for sticking it out, girls - I had actually had a blast. I can't say there's anyone I'd rather sew with in the wee hours of the morning...

The bags did turn out really cute though, and we were impressed with ourselves. Tara, unfortunately, didn't get her bag done. She took one for the team on this one... we owe you big time!

My creation...

The bags were quite a bit more roomy than we thought they would be. They were perfect.

My homemade design, inspired by Tara.

Jacci's bag...

This is Jacci's design. Talk about talent!

She pieced her bag together by sewing the strips of fabric together. Genius, that girl is.

I pulled up at home at 4:45, heading to bed at the glorious hour of 5:00 am, only to get up at about 7:30 and drift in and out of sleep until 9:30 when it was time to get ready for church. Surprisingly, I survived the entire day without a nap. Miracle? I think so.

Next month we will be sewing skirts. Wish us luck...


mead family said...

Oh my! It was worth it I'm sure in the end because your bag is SO adorable! I love it.

Heather said...

Very cute bags- I personally love my creation more though. Thanks again for my apron- and after a night like that I am surprised you actually finished it! Love you!

Unknown said...

ooh - i want to see a pic of the apron! i'm so glad we got them done...zzzzz...oh what? lol. I actually finished mine! pics soon. can't wait for skirts!!

Keersten said...

Holy cuteness! You guys are unbelievable! I love the pink skull--so cute.

Jacci said...

I am laughing so hard right now remembering our lovely after midnight conversations!! I love your bag it is so cute! We did good! Sophie is looking at your pictures right now and is saying Hi Heidi Hi Miss, and now she is trying to give you a kiss. Thanks for the fun night! see you tomorrow!

Jeanette said...

Heidi...I have always been a fan of yours. You are seriously my idol, but now, more than ever, I love you. You can sew- AND you are GREAT at it. I'm proud to know you.

Anonymous said...

WOW Heidi that is really cute:) I can't believe you stayed up that late you guys are crazy.