
Taking a Break

I haven't been able to sit down for a while and post about our super-crazy lives lately... and frankly, I'm exhausted. Please excuse this much needed break....


Heather said...

So your taking a break now...or are you referring to the break you already had? lol

Keersten said...

Everybody needs a blogging break every now and again. I tried your cupcakes last nigh-LOVE THEM!!! Thanks for the killer recipe. =D

Robyn Reynolds said...

I know you need a break but I am dying to know your traveling plans. If you don't want to post than we just need to get together!

Robyn Reynolds said...

Friday the 13th works for me. You can totally come over here and I will make dinner. Or if it is too far we can meet for dinner in Draper or something. What would you like to do?

ChristySteed said...

You're cute Heidi! I am so proud of you guys, and that you're following your dreams. Lunch next week with Nubez?