
Crossed Off My List

This afternoon, when Chris called to tell me that Michael Jackson died, I immediately hit the web and searched for a source... after, of course, my initial reaction being that of shock. After chatting with my friend Tami at work, who loved him as much as I did, my sweet husband called me again a while later and asked, "are you doing ok?" In answer to that: yes, he was, and still is, my favorite of all time... but I don't think I'll die from grief.

However, I have to strongly disagree
with ABC News, who labeled the music icon "the self-anointed King of Pop." He was anointed the King of Pop because he truly was... the world loved him. I believe Michael Jackson set the bar high enough that I'm not sure anyone will reach it. He was the greatest performer of all time, and after today, attending one of his concerts has been, sadly, crossed off my bucket list.

I'll never forget this moment below. After NSync had just put on an incredible performance, Michael took it to a new level at minute 3:56.

This so called "self-anointed" king will be missed.


Heather said...

That was AWESOME- I never saw that!

He truly will be missed- but aren't we blessed that he was who he was and now his music and his "self-anointed" status will live on.

Sorry for your loss- I just hope he is finally at Peace....

mead family said...

Whoa! I had no idea that he died! Crazy. I've never been a fan of his, but I am shocked that he has died!

Carly said...

One word: agreed.

Laura said...

So crazy!!

Andrea said...

He truly was so awesome. I went to his concert when he toured with his brother in the 80's--the Victory Tour. It was the best concert ever--he did stuff from the Thriller album which had come out shortly before and stuff with his brothers. It was at Mile High Stadium in Denver and cost $30 which back then was double the cost of other concerts, but it was well worth it!

Missed you at sewing last night! I made 3 check covers for Bill!

Jenny said...

I am crying...ok, not really on the outside but on the inside. I remember that moment at the MTV awards and I was FREAKIN out! Thanks for your kind words about the man who made me love dance. MJ will be missed!

Orton Gang said...

Heidi, That was amazing! Thanks for calling me when you first found out.. You knew how much he meant to me. I loved the video and sat and watched a bunch of others attached to it. It was good for me. I cried and got chills. He always mesmerized me. I was listening to one of his cds when I read this. I glad love him too!Lots of memories of our family dancing and listening to his songs! And we loved his Captain Eyo at Disneyland when we went. I wish they would bring that back. Thanks for sharing. Andrea I am totally jealous that you went to his concert. Love you Heidi, Mumsy

Jeanette said...

I remember seeing this and was completely blown away. Michael will always have a special place in almost everyone's heart because I know everyone has heard him in a moment of their life. Your mom, Jessi, and I always listened to him cruising State Street.

VTS said...

Sorry girl! I haven't checked anyone's blog is so long! I'm just catching up now. I was at Youth Conference in Jackson Hole when we found out. We just thought it was a rumor and didn't really know until we came back home from camping. So sad that he really died. just when all the scandal looked like it was finally behind him.