
My Husband

At least once a day, I think about my life. Well, I try to, anway. I think about what I need to change, what is going well, and what I need to do to make things even better. It's not always a life-changing experience and it's not always a great self esteem booster, but I usually have the confidence to whatever it is I realize I need to. Today, my life is good. It's wonderful. I am very blessed to have the things that I do. I know, for one, that I wouldn't be who I am without my husband.

Chris has always been the positive one in the relationship - I usually have more of a negative attitude than he does (a bad habit I am working on changing), and he is always pushing and encouraging me to be happy and to do the best that I can at whatever I do. He gives me confidence and helps me feel secure when I am about to take on a new task that is a bit more scary or bigger or just different than I'm used to. He has full confidence and faith in me and seems to know my potential better than I do. I love him with all of my heart and happy that we can spend eternity together.

Some of our favorite things to do together are:
-Travel. We went to Yellowstone last fall together, that was a blast. We want to go on a trip
every year out of the state. We also go to lake Powell and run the Snake River which we love to do each year.

-We love to watch movies. (Don't let him fool you, either. He LOVES chick flicks!)
-Go to concerts (although our music taste differs slightly)
-Watch plays. Chris will deny this to a lot of people, but he does love plays, even musicals. Our favorite right now is the movie "Hairspray." We also bought season tickets to Desert Star Playhouse, in Murray. We love it there.
-We can have fun just laying around the house and doing nothing.

-We love the mountains, Chris is a big biker. He's taken me a couple of times, the first of which I
swore I would never go again, and the second one was just a whim...if I had thought about it
longer, I probably wouldn't have gone. It's tough!

-We love camping, swimming, and being outdoors. Chris loves to fish. While fishing is not high on the list for me, I love to eat what he catches! One obstacle Chris is trying to climb is getting me out on a snowboard. We are working on that one. :)

I know that Chris and I are supposed to be together and he makes me happier than I could ever imagine. He is strong in the gospel, honors his priesthood, and loved his mission. He has a love for the scriptures and a love for his and my family and I couldn't imagine my life without his love for me. I am looking forward to forever. :)


BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

I loved to read all the "sensitive" things about Chris. How he LOVES chick flicks, cries, and is heavily involved in day time soaps.

Thanks, Heidi! Way to give us some good material on Chris! I can't wait to talk to him about some of the things you mentioned!


Tadorton said...

What a wonderful post! We love Chris and are glad that you are married to him.

Katie M. said...

Ah.... now that is just so cute!! I could cry... *sniff sniff* but I won't!
Heidi. WOW!! I am so proud. You have totally caught the blogging bug. What have I done to you???? Watch out, it's addicting like sugar. I'm sugar. Thanks for the sugar at your pad on Friday night, and oh, thanks for the "Tribute" in your last post about me. I hearted it.
Talk to you soon.
Katherine Elaine CM

Karson and Kami said...

Awww, Heidi, I loved this post! So sweet! I love all the pictures that you include with it too! It's fun to look at everything! (I remember seeing that gingerbread house at your place the other night too lol)

I agree with Chris. We need to get you on a snowboard!!! I love snowboarding and Karson and I would like to go again. Chris and Kars can go off and do the crazy guy stuff while you and I do the more girly slow-paced snowboarding. Either way, it's so much fun!

Oh, and you need to email me those pictures that we took the other night! Please :)

paige said...

Wow, what a great husband. We sure are blessed, huh? I never do tributes like that to Lorin except when he cleans the entire house...haha. We should try snowboarding this year, I was too sick this year but have done it in the past...and not well. :) Lorin says he wants a girl...but I don't believe him. Maybe because I am convinced it is a boy. Hehe...well we will find out on February 11th!

Dubb Days said...

Ahh! Feel free to make Florida your out of stste destination anytime!

Heather said...

Deep down he is a geek to the core- jk I love Chris and am so thrilled to call him my brother!