
How Did I Let This Happen?

Whenever we are at the mall together, my mom offers to get me something to eat.  Most of the time we don't have time to eat, so the below mentioned experience hadn't come up until a couple of days back.

 It was about a week ago when I had some things to get and asked her if she wanted to come along.  She of course offered to get me some food, this time being a Hot Dog on a Stick.  I knew this was one of her favorite places, so I was prepared to get a big reaction from her when I told her I had never had one.  I wasn't disappointed.  She didn't waste any time in telling me she was a "failure as a mother" as she always does (jokingly, of course... I think) when I haven't done something that comes second-nature to her.  Apparently, this was one of those things.

Despite the fact that I've tried to get one whenever I am at a food court (which is not very often), there is always something wrong - they take only cash when I have none, their machines are out of order, or I don't have time to wait for food.  In this case, it was the latter situation. Because we ran out of time, my mom's heart was broken (seriously. This woman loves this place.) when she wasn't able to share her joy with me.  

It was Wednesday when I had to take something back to the mall.  She had some things to do, but when I said we could go to her favorite place at the mall (the above mentioned restaurant), she quickly obliged.

Truth be told, all of the good things I've heard about this place are true.  Words cannot describe what I tasted as I took that first bite.  I don't have corn dogs very often, because 1. I didn't know there were places who made them fresh (I really didn't think this place did), and  2. For obvious health reasons.  In the words of Richard, "I could actually hear [myself] getting fatter." Worth it?  Definitely.  She also forced me into getting the lemonade.  Also worth it.

Upon seeing a black-and-white photo booth against the wall near where we sat, she said she wanted to document my first time at Hot Dog on a Stick.  We quickly found out that the machine wasn't running, and after searching for an "on/off" switch, I told her if she really wanted some, I had my camera.

So there we were, using the timer to take pictures of ourselves in front of the sign... I am quite positive that on-lookers might have thought we were a bit odd.  It didn't matter.

We may be enjoying this a bit too much...
How I ever let myself live without Hot Dog On a Stick is a mystery... but I know that it won't be long before I go again.


Heather said...

Your Both CRAZY! And I love it!
Now you have to try a cheese stick- they are even better!

Carly said...

Oh, Heidi, I love you! And your freaking mom!

Karson and Kami said...

lol crazy girls. I've never had one either. That's really stpid that they don't take anything but cash - they are really hurting their business by doing that since 90% of Americans only carry debit cards to shop with now days.

Keersten said...

That is AWESOME! I have to say that I have never had one either. I think I'll take the girls for one :D.

Robyn Reynolds said...

Your mom is so funny. You too are cute with your sticks.

Jeanette said...

Even better than the hotdog on a stick are the cheese on a sticks! I love them! (I also cannot believe you had never gone before! I'll go with you whenever you'd like!)

Orton Gang said...

Wow! See how cool the Hot Dog on a Sticks are! Everyone is commenting! Kami, we have to go too! and keersten whoever you are. Love the pics! Thanks for going and giving them the great rating. I knew you would not be dissapointed! And by the way , they do take debit cars, at least at our cool Mall.. Southtown. Love mumsy