
When The Weather Was Nice...

How is it that you can feel so refreshed and happy one day and the next you are down - just because the sky is a different color?  You got me.  But I have been loving the good days we've had this year.  Sunday was one of them.

As we do every conference, my family got together afterwards.  We played outside because it was so beautiful.

Turns out my cousin Maddie has quite the arm.  And the aim.

British Bulldog...
Lining up, ready to run

Red Light/Green Light.  Love this game.

Chris, telling whoever moved to go back

And hide and seek base tag.

I can only hope for better weather so we can play outside more often!


BakerBloggers-Matt & Jenny said...

this looks like way too much fun! I guess when you're mom refuses to grow up that means you don't have to either! :)

Karson and Kami said...

Oh no! We missed British Bulldog! Dangit! Karson introduced that game to my family and now we all play it every Easter. My family is much bigger than yours though..it's super fun. We were going to come over to hang out, but as you know, Karson has been MUCH too sick and we have not done much of anything outside of the house for many weeks. I'm glad you guys had a good time though!

I totally agree on the weather too - I'm so ready for some consistent spring time weather!!

Jeanette said...

I think your husband is an amazing man, Heidi. He and I had a great chat about this lingering mission thing on my mind. I am sincerely grateful for his advice. (Yours too, of course.)

Heather said...

Wish I would have been there!