

I didn't expect to have aching arms after having said yes to working at the Church's Welfare Square. I had never been there even for a tour before, and I was asked by someone if I could take their place, due to a prior obligation of theirs.

When I signed in I was directed to sit in a room with a group of older men. Being the only girl, they decided to make me the object of their fun. One man started singing "I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch..." and another took the liberty of telling me how he was better than the rest when it came to looks. Too funny.

I stood at the end of an assembly line, moving jars of jam onto an ever-so-slow moving conveyer belt. The quota for the day was 15,000 jars of jam. That's a lot of jam. I calculated moving close to 130 jars in a five minute period of time. Times that by 3 hours... 5,000 jars of jam. Need I say more?

I did come away with a jar of delicious raspberry jam, on top of a newfound  knowledge of how cool the Welfare Program is... and how awesome it is to be a part of. I guess that tops the soreness. It was worth it.


Unknown said...

that's so awesome!
it was so nice to help your friend out of that JAM...hardy har

VTS said...

Service is the BEST! And I'd really like to get a hold of that "petunia in an onion patch" song. Sounds totally hilarious!

Andrea said...

If that made you sore, I think you need to work out!:)

Nicole said...

You are amazing! I have always wanted to go there for a day.... I bet its a great feelign to know you are serving and helping so many people.

Dubb Days said...

You shouuld tell grandma about it--one, she is always glad to hear of service, and two she will probably know that song and sing it for you--which is always a joy!

Heidi said...

Yes, I need to work out Andrea... thanks for bringing it up... :)