
My Hero

I am told the love for your parents grows when you become one yourself. If this is the case, it will be interesting to see what my relationship with my father will be like when that time comes. He already is one of my closest friends; the one person that I turn to when I just need a hug.

I look up to him for a million+ reasons, including the fact that he's run 14 marathons without training. He loves all kinds of music, and his family is his whole world.

I think the number one reason I look up to him is because he loves to give. And give. And even when he has nothing, give more. I'm not sure that there's been a time in the last ten years when someone outside of our immediate family has lived in his home. I am positive that he has been an answer to prayer in the lives of several people, including my own.

He happened to be in the kitchen the other day when I was talking to Chris about getting new tennis shoes. Mine were shot and it hurt each time I put my feet in them. I knew we wouldn't be able to until another paycheck came along, but we were talking about where I should go. My dad, hearing everything, told me to go to the Nike Outlet. I told him that was a good idea and that I'd have to go next week sometime.

He looked at my feet, and asked me what size I wore. Knowing what he was thinking, I didn't tell him. He was not going to buy me new shoes, and I made that clear. I knew that he shouldn't. He knew that he shouldn't. Nevertheless, when I came back to my desk on Friday morning from working in the back of the studio, there was a Nike shoe box sitting there.

He didn't.

There was no note attached, and no one had told them they were for me, so I opened it up, hoping to find who they belonged to. Nothing. I checked the size - mine. What a punk. Somehow he managed to find my shoe size and travel to Park City and back by 11am.

It's things like this who make him who he is. It brings joy to him to make others happy... yet another reason why I love him. Thanks for being my hero, dad. And by the way... love the shoes. They are perfect.


JeSs said...

that is awesome! he is amazing...and yes you have many qualities like him! you are so fun and I loved that story. it made me feel good tonight. :)

Jeanette said...

He is definitely my hero as well. I can't remember a time that I left his presence without laughing and feeling better than when I entered. I love Tracy!

Heather said...

We do have the best Dad on the whole planet.
He was at my house on Saturday completely covered in paint from helping TJ with his basement- and he shows up with all of the new Monsters vs Aliens toys from McD's because he knows the kids just saw it and loved it.
I tried to get him to sit down and relax and he saw the new faucet Jeff and I bought that he did not have time to put in before he left, and just started installing it.
Service is 2nd nature to Dad- he is so amazing, I only hope to be like him someday.
I love him too so much more than any words on this earth could ever relay!

Andrea Harper said...

How great is your dad? I have a pretty awesome one myself. DADS ROCK

Sulser Family said...

What a great story! Your dad has some serious style too! I'm glad to hear you are now a corn dog junkie! I have yet to leave the mall without getting a corn dog on a stick. Take me with you next time.

Dubb Days said...

Oh that silly dad of ours--always pulling those kind of stunts! Love him:)
Oh and I found out my own husband has never had a hot dog on a stick! I am a failure as a wife:)

Robyn Reynolds said...

That is so sweet. I love my parents as much as I did before but I have a new respect for them and it made me realize how much they must love me. So I guess it made our relationship stronger. I can't imagine yours being better though. Your parents are great.

Karson and Kami said...

Aww, Good 'ol Tracy! You really do have such an amazing dad! I even love him!! :) He is a great person and this was very sweet of him to do this for you!

Anonymous said...

I heart big fellow. He really is amazing:)

Andrea said...

What a cool dad you have! Do you think he'll buy me some shoes?

Carly said...

cute story! your dad really is great....but i love the comment: "what a punk."

Love it!

mead family said...

How sweet is he? I love my Dad too:) I know he would do anything for me! I agree that you have inherited some of your dads's great qualities.