

Unlike Opal, I haven't been trying for days to do any kind of exercise... but I could end up in the same situation if I were to. 

I may have mentioned before how hard I am to get motivated to do something I don't want to.  I can be as stubborn as they come if it involves something I am not interested in. I'm trying (really honey, I am) to change that. So, because I can't quite remember what it felt like to beat the dead horse last time, here I go again.
What is my deal with Exercise? I know that it's good for me. I can't deny the way my body feels when I do it regularly, and I am happy to give myself a pat on the back when I do.

We no longer own a gym membership (don't ask me how we broke the iron chains we had with Gold's, but it happened), and I am glad to be rid of another pointless payment... we didn't go even when our bank account was magically chopped short $60.00 every month for two years.
When I want to exercise now, I am left to my imagination. Running (I am not a "runner." 3 miles is okay, but any longer is really difficult... yes, I am a wimp...), "free weights" I find laying around (which are defined as cans of food), sit ups, push ups. I know these are all worth-while things; my mom has done sit ups and push ups, along with a few simple exercises EVERY DAY since she was 12 (or somewhere around that age). No one can deny the fact that she is tiny. 

But, how do I get a body like this?
Is photoshop really the answer?

I know that most people with rockin' bodies are required to eat healthy and hit the gym with a personal trainer almost, if not every day. They work hard at their bodies. And I think that others just have great metabolisms. My friend Christy is one such person (picture is courtesy of her blog...thank you, friend). Yeah... pretty sure that picture isn't photoshopped.... and last time I checked, she didn't work out every day of her life.

So the questions I have are... do I really have to exercise every day to get a tiny body? Do I have to drop a gazillian dollars on a personal trainer? Is the answer just to simply watch what I eat and learn how to gain a great metabolism? 

Until I find the answer to such questions, I will be trying my best not to stuff my face with unnecessary items such as what I've been eating for the past... oh, lifetime. Wish me luck. Advice is greatly appreciated.


Paige said...

My dad is a professor of exercise physiology & anatomy, etc. etc...and says that even though he loves to run marathons & be totally active, it's when he changes his eating habits that he can really see a difference in his weight. Good luck with trying to get skinnier...? what the heck Heidi...you are just as tiny as your mom! But I know what you mean...there is always room for improvement...bah! For now I think I'll go watch American Idol with a bag of Cheeto's & a Dr. Pepper :)

VTS said...

YOU ARE TINY! Advice: Come with Chris to Absolute. They'll get ya in shape!

Just find a fun activity that you enjoy and do that. Are you a dancer? Sign up for a dance class. Something like that. And I agree with the comment above...you can exercise all you want, but to really see changes, you need to eat clean. Good luck!

Jenny said...

I think Vanessa has a great idea...we really need to do a dance class. I am not very good but it would be fun! Also, if you want to run (I know it's not your favorite thing) but I am always down with that! I love running. Maybe we could train for a 5K or even a 10K. The sense of accomplishment is awesome!

Personally, I think you're skinny...and all the pictures we see of models are totally air brushed! It's a joke. It's horrible that we (the media) are projecting such a lie to women everywhere. Perfection is not the answer. Healthy is.

Dubb Days said...

Just wanted to leave a comment that I love ya and you are so beautiful to me:) Little tribute to Goki:) Oh and totally had a dream that you and Chris came and surprised me again--it was awesome!

mead family said...

I have the same problem with exercise. I always think about doing it, but I'm never motivated enough. Lately I've just been trying to watch what I eat and not eat after 7:00 (most days). In 1 1/2 have weeks I've already lost 3 pounds. I can't complain about that. I chose 7:00 because that's when I usually start snacking on stuff while watching tv. You say you can only run 3 miles like that's weak. I can honestly only run 5 min. and I am done! I've never had much endurance:) I think you look great though!

Robyn Reynolds said...

First of all....YOUR WAY TINY. I think you look great. So after I had Ava I have really been trying to eat better and work out so I know what you mean. My ward does a workout class M-F at 9:15. That has saved me bigtime. I used to go jogging but it is nice to have sore arms and abs and what not. I think you look great so I don't know what to tell ya.

Karson and Kami said...

First off, everyone is different. Some people are teeny their whole lives, even after kids and eat nothing but junk food and sit around. Some people have to work for it. I never really had to work for it until recently either, and I am one who also hates to exercise. My solution has been that I think I need to just get into more active things that are fun. Maybe Karson and I could join a couples softball league... go biking... etc. That way, you're working out AND having fun so it doesn't feel like a work out? Who knows..I'll let ya know how that works out for me lol.

By the way - I think you have a very cute body and frame and I don't think you really need to be stressing about this anyway.

Oh yeah, and I *LOVE* Kate Beckinsale :) If I could look like any famous person, she would be it!

Jeanette said...

Heidi...last time I saw you in a swim suit you looked just as good as this chick. I love you!