

You may see a smidgeon of a bum here.

It belongs to my nephew, Lance... 
who has just learned how to pee in the woods.

Saturday night we headed up Big Cottonwood canyon to camp with my parents. Heather came along with the kids, and we enjoyed our time together, sitting around the fire and playing games. Here are some pics:

Lance and Chris

Starting the fire. Lance wanted to help, of course.

Um... smoking sticks?

Cute Cessna. Mmmm... s'mores....

Somehow my marshmallows ended up looking like muffins...

Relaxing... not sure why I look semi-stoned in this picture.

Me and Heather

We came home on Sunday, spending only one night up there. It was particularly nice keeping in mind all weekend the fact that I didn't have to work on Monday. I realize now that I didn't get any memorial-type activities in, other than including the military in my prayers. I feel bad about that. But, I had an enjoyable day, otherwise. 

We slept in, I finished my book, and the day was ours to do whatever we wanted. We ended up seeing Terminator Salvation. I was a bit lost at first - I didn't know the story from the first three movies - but it was entertaining when I started to understand. A good one-timer for me, but Chris really liked it.

After that movie, we decided that we wanted to see Night at the Museum 2. We bought 2 extra tickets for my parents who, as it turned out, weren't able to make it. We spent the next hour and a half calling people to use them, and being the losers that we apparently are, couldn't find anyone who could, or wanted to come. Sigh. We went on our own and loved it. 

I will say that I am incredibly grateful to live with the freedoms that we do. We are blessed to live in a nation where we can say what we want, do what we want, believe what we want... a place where our  founders believed in freedom, and believed in God. I feel safe knowing that our nation is in the hands of those who decide to fight for this great country, and for us. I support them fully.


Carly said...

Love your post. I'll bet you would have found someone to use those tickets if you had called us! ...sigh...oh, well, Love you anyways!

Carly said...

...also, Robbie habitually "smokes" things as well. It's a running joke with us, and apparently another reason our hubbies need to meet! How's next week?

Laura said...

Mmm smores look awesome!! Yum!

Andrea said...

Aren't long weekends with friends and family the best. Too bad it didn't work out for Jake and Abby to go to the movie--they've been talking about seeing it since the trailers have been out. We love you guys!

VTS said...

Fun! Chris is such a goofus! Man, I'm going to miss you guys when you're gone. I hope this summer never ends!

Heather said...

I am glad you chose the shows his bum slightly photo. It was a fun trip and I still need to do my weekend post- just have not gotten to it yet...

Anonymous said...

You do look stoned I bet you were ha ha

Dubb Days said...

What a cute bum:) Glad you guys had fun--not glad I wasn't there with you!