My cousin Micah has been called on an LDS mission and is leaving for Pennsylvania on Wednesday. As the tradition goes, he spoke in church on Sunday, so we made the trek up to Heber to hear his talk.
For any missionary about to embark in their service, it is a bit unnerving to stand in front of a congregation of people that you know - and who have been waiting to hear from you - and give an address that will leave an impression. I remember the day well for me. I don't think I could tell you what I said in that meeting - but I do remember how it felt to be done. Just when I thought the hard part was over, however, I had to think again... the mission itself was up next.
Leaving your home for a significant amount of time is hard for anyone. In the LDS faith, it is two years for young men and a year and a half for young women who decide to serve. While you are actually in the "field" doing what you were called to do - sharing your testimony with everyone you see (which is really the extent of a mission) - it can go by rather quickly. Still, there are those that struggle, and some that come home due to a number of reasons. For me, I had made a commitment. I was staying where I knew I needed to be... and doing what I had been called to do. It came easy to me (not the work itself, but wanting to be there), and nothing, not even the boy back home was going to bring me back sooner than when those 18 months were up. I can't tell you how worth it it was.
I enjoy watching these young missionaries as they prepare to leave home. The lives of many of them are spent in preparation for the day they receive their call to serve. For others (myself included), a mission wasn't necessarily in the plan... but to see their lives suddenly focus on one thing so absolute in their minds, knowing the next chapter of their lives will be spent doing the one thing they may be a bit afraid of (again, me) and yet know it's the best and most important thing they could be doing, is something that brings me happiness.
The first group of missionaries I described is the group where Micah fits best. He's known his entire lifetime that he would one day serve a mission, and has anticipated this moment of time with excitement. I've watched him as he has grown through the years, through awkward stages, progressing into a popular boy in school, on the student body and the lead in musicals. With football, dating and high school keeping him busy, he grew into a rather confident, and somewhat cocky kid.
So I was a bit surprised, and rather pleased, when he stood up to speak on Sunday morning and taught from the scriptures, hardly ever looking down at what he had prepared and unleashing the spirit on everyone in the room. I was impressed by his demeanor, the way he carried himself, and the humility that seemed to exude from every inch of him. Yet he was confident. He knew what he was saying was true, the testimony he gave was undeniable, and the way in which he addressed the congregation is something rare for a new missionary. The spirit was strong within the room, and I was happy to be a part of it.
I am looking forward to hearing about his experiences, and writing to him as well. I really tried to take to heart the advice given me from returned missionaries who had been through what I was experiencing every day. It helped me gain perspective and I understood so much more when I had help from those who had been through it before. I'd like to help him, even in a small way. It makes me feel like I am contributing... the mission field was the best place to be. Truth be told, I'm a little jealous.